Harmonix has announced that Rock Band 4 is coming to the PS4 and Xbox One this year – nearly five years after the last title in the series was released. The good news is that all DLC previously purchased on the PS3 will be compatible with the new game, without having to buy them again.
EU PlayStation Store Update for March 4th 2015

New content is available on the European PlayStation Store, with six new PS4 games, four new PS3 games and seven new PS Vita games. New PlayStation Plus content is also available to download, with six new titles added to the Instant Game Collection.
Over 20 Million PS4s Sold Worldwide, Morpheus Coming in 2016

Earlier today at the Game Developers Conference, Sony made a number of big announcements regarding the PS4 and Project Morpheus. First off, the latest PS4 sales figures now stand at 20.2 million units sold worldwide, making it the fastest selling console in PlayStation history.
PlayStation Plus Content for March 2015 Revealed

New PlayStation Plus content is available to subscribers today, with six free games to enjoy across all three PlayStation platforms. New games include Oddworld: New ‘n’ Tasty on PS4, Papo and Yo on PS3 and OlliOlli 2 on PS Vita (cross-buy for PS4).
Final Fantasy X / X-2 Gets PS4 Release Date

Square-Enix has announced that the PS4 version of Final Fantasy X / X-2 HD Collection will be releasing this May in both Europe and North America. The PS4 version supports cross-play with the PS3 and PS Vita versions of the game that were released last year.
EA Announce Battlefield: Hardline Premium Membership

EA and Visceral Games have announced an exclusive membership program for Battlefield: Hardline which will provide various benefits to gamers, including early access to story-based DLC, monthly rewards and exclusive in-game events and items.
Discover the Wildlife and Ecology of Final Fantasy XV in new Trailer

Square Enix have released a new trailer for Final Fantasy XV, this time showing the varied wildlife and ecology to be found in the game. The 3-minute trailer includes Chocobos, Adamantortoise, Behemoths and other animals Final Fantasy fans will be familiar with.
Another Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Free Weekend Announced

To celebrate Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn reaching four million registered accounts, Square-Enix are offering you the chance to log in and play the MMO completely free of charge this weekend. Starting this Friday (27th February) at 08:00 GMT, you can experience all A Realm Reborn has to offer for free.
Online Heists Coming to GTA Online in March

Rockstar has announced that Heists are coming to Grand Theft Auto Online in March, adding a new four-player cooperative gameplay experience to the game. The new mode will let players pull off intense, multi-part raids and and robberies across Los Santos and Blaine County.
EU PlayStation Store Update for February 25th 2015

New content is available on the European PlayStation Store, with six new PS4 games, four new PS3 games and two new PS Vita games added. You can also find nine new PS Mobile titles and lots of new DLC for all three consoles.