New content has been added to the European PlayStation Store this week, with 15 new PS4 games, two new PS3 games and one new PS Vita game added. New games this week include Deus Ex: Mankind Divided (PS4), Worms W.M.D (PS4) and the Pro Evolution Soccer 2017 demo (PS3, PS4). You can also find new DLC for a number of PS4 titles. Full list of new content available below.
PlayStation Now Announced for PC, DualShock 4 USB Wireless Adaptor Revealed
Sony has announced that PlayStation Now will be coming to PC, allowing your favourite PlayStation games to be played on a Windows PC for the first time. The service will launch in parts of Europe on 24th August 2016, followed by North America shortly after. In addition, Sony are releasing a DualShock 4 USB Wireless Adaptor to allow your existing controllers to be used on PC.
PS4 “Slim” Comes with Updated DualShock 4 Controller
Following the recent leak of the PS4 “Slim” console, it has emerged that the DualShock 4 controller has also been updated, and will come with the new console. On first glance, the controller looks almost identical to the current version, but there is one important change: the lightbar colour now shows through the touchpad. This will be useful for games that use the lightbar to indicate life or other status.
SCEA Increases Price of PlayStation Plus In North America
In an unusual move, SCEA has announced that the cost of PlayStation Plus will be going up in North America, starting from 22nd September 2016. In the first major price increase for the service, the cost of PlayStation Plus will go up from $49.99 USD / $49.99 CAD for a 12-month subscription to $59.99 USD/ $69.99 CAD. Prices for 3-month and 1-month subscripts are also affected.
Final Fantasy XV Delayed until Late November 2016
Final Fantasy fans will have to wait longer to get their hands on the latest game in the series. Square Enix has confirmed that Final Fantasy XV has been delayed by two months, pushing the release date from 30th September 2016 to 29th November 2016. The reason for the delay is to allow extra time for polish and testing the game’s quality before putting it in the hands of players, and includes reworking the day one patch so it is included on the disc instead.
PS4 “Slim” Photos Leaked
Photos of the PS4 Slim have appeared on Gumtree (and later removed) selling for £295, showing a smaller version of the current 500GB PS4 model. The unannounced model is expected to replace the current standard PS4 model according to the Wall Steet Journal, who have spoken to “people familiar with the matter”. WSJ says that the new PS4 model will be revealed at the PlayStation Meeting on September 7th 2016.
Driveclub VR Confirmed for Europe and North America
DriveClub VR has been confirmed for Europe and North America, following the Japanese announcement a few weeks ago. In Japan, DriveClub VR will be a launch title, releasing on October 13th 2016, however, the European and US release dates are less specific and simply states it will be “out this year”. The game will be exclusive to PlayStation VR and the PS4.
EU PlayStation Store Update for 16th August 2016
Europe’s PlayStation Store update this week is a little on the light side, but there is still plenty of new content to enjoy, especially on the PS4. Nine new PS4 games are available on the PS4 along with one new game for the PS Vita. New games include Grow Up (PS4), Paragon (PS4) and F1 2016 (PS4). You can also find a handful of new DLC for various PS3 games, including Hitman Episode 4.
PS4 Firmware v4.0 Features Revealed
Sony has announced that PS4 Firmware 4.00 public beta has commended, and is available to anyone currently signed up to the public beta program. The firwmare is the major update to the PS4, bringing with it a multitude of changes including a UI refresh, better and customisable Quick Menu, and Folder and Library organisation functionality.
PlayStation Plus Games for August 2016 Revealed
Sony has announced the new games coming to PlayStation Plus in August 2016. As usual, you can expect six new games to join the Instant Game Collection – two for each PlayStation platform. New games in August include Tricky Towers (PS4), Yakuza 5 (PS3) and Patapon 3 (PS Vita). The line-up also includes a game that was previously part of PlayStation Plus: Retro/Grade (PS3).