Square-Enix have released new screenshots and concept art for the rebranded Final Fantasy XIV title A Realm Reborn. The title is expected to launch on the PS3 and PC later this year, with a beta planned for the Winter. The title was shown at Gamescom yesterday, showing the games progress.
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Gamescom 2012: The Unfinished Swan Trailer
Giant Sparrow has released a new trailer for The Unfinished Swan this week, showing previously unseen colourful areas in the game. The Unfinished Swan is a game about exploring the unknown. The player is a young boy chasing after a swan who has wandered off into a surreal, unfinished kingdom.
Beyond: Two Souls Gameplay Video
A seven minute video of gameplay from Quantic Dream’s upcoming title Beyond: Two Souls has surfaced. Although the audio and video is pretty poor quality, the video gives you a good idea of how the game plays and the impressive visuals (providing you can overlook the video quality).
Gamescom 2012: Rain Announcement Trailer
As announced at Gamescom earlier this week, Japan Studio is working on a new PSN title called rain. In this dark, mysterious world, you take on the role of a boy who becomes invisible, so his figure can only be seen in the rain. A new “announcement” trailer for the game has been released, which you can find below.
EU PlayStation Plus Gamescom Update for August 16th 2012
There has been plenty of news for PlayStation Plus at Gamescom this week, including PlayStation Plus for PS Vita and the increase in cloud storage space to 1GB. In addition, SCEE has announced three new games to be added to the Instant Game Collection this month. In September, two new titles will be added to the collection too.
LittleBigPlanet Costumes Will Be Cross Compatible Across Titles
Steven Isbell, Community Coordinator for LittleBigPlanet, has revealed that costumes purchased in LittleBigPlanet 2 will be cross-compatible with titles including LittleBigPlanet on the PS Vita and LittleBigPlanet Karting. This means that gamers will be able to use their purchased costumes across any game at no extra cost.
Transformers: Fall Of Cybertron Launch Trailer
High Moon has released a new trailer upcoming Transformers title Fall Of Cybertron to celebrate the game’s launch. The game will be available to purchase in North America and Europe next week.
Gamescom 2012: Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance Trailer and Release Date Revealed
A new trailer for Metal Gear Rising: Revengeance has been released from Gamescom 2012, showing over four minutes of footage from the game. In addition, the game’s release date has been narrowed down to February 2013, with a demo of the game coming with the Zone of Enders HD collection.
Sony: PSN Hack Claims are “Completely False”
Last night, there were rumours that the PlayStation Network was hacked for a second time, and 50GB of emails and passwords were leaked. However, Sony was quick to confirm that the claims “completely false” and that no user data was compromised.