PlayStation Plus subscribers in North America can look forward to new games tomorrow as the Instant Game Collection is updated with thee new fixtures and a new game. As mentioned last week, three new games will replace LittleBigPlanet 2, inFamous 2 and Motorstorm Apocalypse for the next 12 months.
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Sony’s E3 2013 Press Conference is Just a Few Hours Away

Sony’s E3 Press Conference is just a few hours away now, where the PS4 will finally be revealed to the world, with hopefully a firm global release date and pricing. The press conference will kick off at 2:00am BST / 3:00am CET, but the livestream will begin at 1:30am / 2:30am. You’ll be able to watch the at, Ustream, PlayStation Home, Facebook or Google Plus.
Free-to-play Version of Tekken Coming Exclusively to PS3

Tekken will be getting the free-to-play treatment this summer when Tekken Revolution hits the PS3. The game was revealed in GameSpot’s E3 preview (below) at 19:30 into the video (below). The game will be releasing on the PlayStation Store tomorrow, June 11th, 2013, and may be shown off at Sony’s E3 Press Conference tonight.
LittleBigPlanet 3 Spotted on JK Studio Website

LittleBigPlanet 3 has been spotted on the website of animation studio JK Studios (which has since been deleted), indicating that the game is being developed by Sheffield based indie developer Sumo Digital. Media Molecule or Sony have yet to announced the existence of the game, but the listing confirms that the game is in development.
Top PSN Sellers for May 2013 in North America

Sony America has released it’s own chart for the most downloaded titles on the PlayStation Network in May 2013. On the PS3, Far Cry 3 Blood Dragon was the most downloaded title, while Soul Sacrifice was the most downloaded title on the PS Vita. You can check out the fill charts for the PS3, PS Vita, DLC, PSOne and PS2 classics below.
Beyond: Two Souls Special Edition Box Art Revealed

Sony has revealed the final design for the Steelbook edition of Quantic Dream’s Beyond: Two Souls, which is scheduled for release on October 11th, 2013. Similar to the regular edition of the game, the box art for the special edition focuses on the game’s lead character, Jodie Holmes, who is voiced by Ellen Page.
Thief E3 Trailer Released

Square Enix has released the E3 trailer for upcoming PS4 and Xbox One title Thief. The trailer for the stealth game, however, shows no actual gameplay footage, which is somewhat disappointing. In the game, the player takes the role of Garrett, a master thief in a fantasy/steampunk world resembling a cross between the Late Middle Ages and the Victorian era.
PAL PlayStation Store Chart for May 2013

SCEE have released the May 2013 PSN download chart, revealing the most downloaded PS3, PSN, PS Vita and PS Classic games. On the PS3, Grand Theft Auto IV was the most downloaded title on the PS3, followed by re-entry Ni no Kuni: Wrath of the White Witch. The top downloaded PSN title was Far Cry 3: Blood Dragon, followed by Terraria, both new entries.
Kiefer Sutherland Confirmed as Voice of Snake in MGS 5

In Konami’s pre-E3 conference, it was confirmed that Kiefer Sutherland will be the new voice of Snake in Metal Gear Solid 5, replacing the original voice David Hayter. The 24 actor was chosen to replace the voice of Snake as Kojima said he wanted to acquire the services of someone who could convey “a more subdued performance expressed through subtle facial movements and tone of voice, rather than words.”
Daylight Announced For PS4

Originally a PC game, Zombie Studios have announced that Daylight will be coming to the PS4. The PS4 version of the game, powered by the Unreal Engine 4, was on GTTV last night. Set in a derelict apartment building, players must guide a stranded woman through the tower, using her cellphone to extract clues and find a way out.