Sony’s E3 press conference included a 7-minute live gameplay demo of Watch_Dogs, and we’ve included it below in case you missed it. The gameplay video shows how the game’s mechanics work and the wide variety of tools that Aiden has in his arsenal. The video also shows how friends can help you with co-op on mobile devices.
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Sony Releasing PS4 in UK And US First Due to Competition

Andrew House, SCE’s President and CEO, has revealed that the PS4 is coming to western markets first due to “competitive pressures,” referring to Microsoft’s November release for the Xbox One. It will be the first time Sony has released a console in the West before releasing in its home country, Japan.
PlayStation Plus Edition of DriveClub Detailed

Sony revealed that PlayStation Plus will be available on the PS4 from launch, with one of the first games being the PS Plus Edition of racer DriveClub. The PS Plus version of the game will be the full game in terms of features and mechanics, but will have a scaled-back number of tracks and cars.
The PlayRoom Announced for PlayStation 4

Sony has announced The PlayRoom for the PS4: an augmented reality application that uses the PS4’s Camera and DualShock 4 controller for fun and innovative experiments. The application tracks the Light Bar on the controller using the PlayStation Eye Camera to create holographic panels around you on the screen, allowing you to use the touch pad to scroll and select the various options.
Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn Coming to PS4, Plus E3 Trailer

Square Enix announced at Sony’s E3 Press Conference that Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn is coming to the PS4. But, Square Enix also revealed that gamers who purchase the PS3 version of the game will be able to transition their accounts to the PlayStation 4 version when it’s released in 2014.
Killzone: Shadow Fall Box Art Revealed

Sony has revealed the official box art for Killzone: Shadow Fall, as well as confirming what PS4 game cases will look like. The box art was first spotted in Sony’s instructional video on used games, found below along with the official box art. The PS4’s cases use a similar style to the PS Vita’s cases, except that they’ll be large to accomodate the Blu-ray disc.
PS4 Photos and Details Round-Up

By now, you’ve probable seen all the PS4 photos and details from E3 2013 regarding the PlayStation 4. If not, here is all the information you need to know about the PS4, as well as new high-res images of the upcoming console. We’re really excited about the PS4, and we hope you are too!
E3 2013: Extended Metal Gear Solid V Trailer

Konami has released a extended nine-minute trailer for Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain. Segements of the trailer were shown off during Microsoft’s E3 press conference, and has been confirmed for release on the PS4 and Xbox One, in addition to the PS3 and Xbox 360.
PS4 Will be Region Free, and More Details Revealed

Shuhei Yoshida, President of Sony Worldwide Studios, has confirmed that the PS4 will be region free, for games at least, and that the HDD is upgradable just like the PS3. In addition, we’ve got more information about the ports, what’s included in the box, and more.
Watch the PS4’s Interface in Action

Now that you’ve seen that the PS4 looks like, what about the Interface itself? While the images give some idea of what the PS4’s system will look like, the video below shows how the system will work. The video shows just how seamless it is to switch between playing a game to watching a walkthrough video.