Sony’s Santa Monica studios are done with PlayStation All-Stars Battle Royale, and has revealed that the game won’t be getting any more DLC content. On the brighter side, the studio will continue to release patches for the game (expected in Autumn), and release some previously unreleased costume packs later this month.
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North American PlayStation Plus Titles for August Revealed

SCEA have revealed the new games coming to PlayStation Plus this month, starting tomorrow when Hitman Absolution joins the Instant Game Collection. Over the month of August, three new PS3 titles and two new PS Vita titles will join the Instant Game Collection, including Zen Pinball 2: Star Wars Pinball (PS3) and Machinarium (PS Vita).
The Last of Us Multiplayer is Censored in Europe

In more The Last of Us news today, it turns out that the game’s multiplayer mode is partly censored in Europe due to stringent censorship laws in PAL territories such as Germany and Australia. Naughty Dog have confirmed that the European version of the game has less gore than the North American version, while dismemberment has been removed entirely.
Rumor Alert: Sony Working on PS4 & PS Vita Bundle for $500

A recent rumour from Inside Gaming Daily suggests that Sony is planning a PS4 bundle that includes the PS Vita console for the end of the year. According to the video, the bundle has been confirmed for release towards the “end of the year” by a “well-placed anonymous source” for “around $500.”
The Last of Us Climbes Up the UK Games Chart

Despite dropping to third in the UK Games Chart last week, The Last of Us is fighting back and has managed to clime up to no. 2, beating off Nintendo’s Animal Crossing: New Leaf. Unfortunately, Microsoft’s Minecraft: Xbox 360 Edition is still going strong and managed to stay on top for the second week in a row.
Rainbow Skies Announced for PS3 and PS Vita

The sequel to RPG Rainbow Moon, Rainbow Skies, has been announced and will be coming exclusively to PS3 and PS Vita in 2014. The game has been in development for almost a year now, and will take place in a new world, with new characters, new monsters, and a story that isn’t linked to its predecessor.
inFamous: Second Son “Smoke and Mirrors” Behind The Scenes Video

Sucker Punch have released a new behind-the-scenes video from inFamous: Second Son titled “Smoke and Mirrors”, which looks at the smoke powers of the new protagonist Delsin Rowe. The team explain how Delsin must recharge his powers from chimneys and burning wreckage, much like Cole did with his electricity powers from cars, power lines and TV sets.
Ubisoft Release Watch Dogs “Honored” Trailer

Ubisoft have released a new trailer for Watch_Dogs, which collates some of the awards and quotes from critics, showing their appreciation for the game. Unfortunately, the trailer doesn’t actually feature any new footage from the game – rather, it’s just clips from the trailers released in the past.
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Exclusive Missions Detailed

The PlayStation version of Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag will include one hour of exclusive content starring Assassin’s Creed: Liberation heroine, Aveline de Grandpré. The bonus DLC will come bundled with the PS3 / PS4 copies of the game, and feature three additional missions. However, the missions won’t be a follow up to Assassin’s Creed Liberation, but instead more of a “short story”.
PS4 Playable at Eurogamer Expo in September

Eurogamer has confirmed that the PS4 will be playable on the show floor at the annual Eurogamer Expo in London this September. This will be the first chance the UK public has to go hands-on with the console and it’s upcoming games. The show runs from Thursday, September 26th until Sunday, September 29th 2013, but be prepared to big queues as 70,000 people are expected to attend the expo.