Konami has announced that Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 will be available at retail in the Europe and North America in September, with a demo available to download before the full game is released. In Europe, the game will be available to purchase on September 20th, and will release in North America on September 24th.
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Gamescom 2013: DRIVECLUB Trailer

Evolution Studios have released a new gamescom trailer for PS4 launch title DRIVECLUB, showing how players can earn fame points for themselves and their Clubmates. The trailer details the number of ways you can earn points, including speeding through a section of track, drifting or perfecting cornering.
Gamescom 2013: Knack Trailer

Sony has released the new gamescom trailer for PS4 launch title Knack, featuring some new characters and details about the game’s story. A demo of the game is available at Gamescom too – the first time it’s been playable at a consumer show. Japan Studio, the developers behind the game, has also revealed that they’re working on a two player “drop in” co-op mode.
Assassin’s Creed 3 Coming to PlayStation Plus in September in Europe

At Sony’s Gamescom Press Conference, the company confirmed that Ubisoft’s Assassin’s Creed 3 will be coming to PlayStation Plus next month. Today, Sony has expanded further on September’s PlayStation Plus update, revealing the four other titles that will be added to the Instant Game Collection.
PS4’s PAL Launch Territories Confirmed

Sony has confirmed which lucky PAL territories will be getting the PlayStation 4 on the November 29th launch date – a total of 20 countries. Microsoft recently announced that the Xbox One would be delayed in some of the European countries it was expected to launch in, but will still be getting a PS4 at launch, giving Sony an advantage in these regions.
PS4 Launch Line-up Detailed

When Sony said that the PS4 launch line-up was the largest for any previous console, they weren’t kidding. The console will be launching in North America and Europe this November, with 33 games available within the first month. The available games will be a mix of Blu-ray retail versions and digital editions, with the Blu-ray version expected to cost around £55.
Gran Turismo 6 Confirmed for December Release

Gran Turismo 6 was confirmed for release this December at Sony’s Gamescom Press Conference, in addition, the Gran Turismo movie was also officially confirmed. The game will be releasing on December 6th 2013, and will be available in to versions: GT6 Standard Edition and GT6: Anniversary Edition.
Rain Release Date and Pre-Order Bonuses Detailed

Japan Studio and Playstation C.A.M.P. have today revealed the release date for their new title, rain, as well as releasing the second Developer Diary. The game is now available to pre-order from the PlayStation Store, with the game releasing on October 2nd 2013 across PAL regions, and a day earlier in North America.
PS3 Gamers Upgrading to PS4 will get “Significant” Discounts on PS4 Version of Games

In Sony’s Gamescon Press Conference, the company revealed that PS3 gamers upgrading to the PS4 will get up to 75% off selected games they’ve already purchased on the PS3. The initial list of titles include Call Of Duty Ghosts, Watch_Dogs, Assassins Creed IV, and Battlefield 4, but Sony is expecting more publishers to join the program soon.
Gamescom 2013: Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII Trailer

Square-Enix has revealed a new trailer for upcoming title Lightning Returns: Final Fantasy XIII from Gamescom 2013. The new trailer, titled “Savior’s Choice”, takes you into The Wildlands; a rough expanse of wilderness that will reunite Lightning with Chocobos, Moogles, and an old friend: Sazh.