A new developer diary for upcoming PS4 title, inFamous: Second Son, was released, titled “Taking Control”, and shows how the new DualShock 4 controller is used in the game to introduce new gameplay controls and mechanics. The behind-the-scenes look at the game shows how the touch pad can be used to trigger certain powers.
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Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag Gamescom Trailer

We’ve got a new trailer for Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag that was released at Gamescom, showing more gameplay footage of the upcoming game. The game got some decent stage time at Sony’s Press Conference with live gameplay and PS Vita Remote Play demo of the game in action.
Sony UK Accidentally Leaks GTA V for PS4

Sony UK have revealed via twitter that “GTA V will be amazing, especially on the PS4!”, and inadvertently leaking the fact that the game is coming to the next-gen console. The tweet was in response to a user wishing the game was coming to the PS4. The tweet could be a simple misunderstanding or an actual leak from Sony, as the game hasn’t been announced for the PS4.
Beyond: Two Souls Has No “Game Over” Screen

At gamescom last week, David Cage talked about Beyond: Two Souls and how the game has no “game over” screen; even if the game’s protagonist, Jodie Holmes, dies the narrative will still continue. While speaking to JoyStiq, Cage said “I’ve always felt that ‘game over’ is a state of failure more for the game designer than from the player”
Killzone: Shadow Fall Multiplayer Gameplay Trailer

The first multiplayer gameplay trailer for Killzone: Shadow Fall has been released from Gamescom last week, and shows just how much freedom the online mode gives players. Using the new customizable Warzone features demonstrated in the trailer, you can pick the number of players (4-24), rules, mission modes, classes, abilities and weapons you want to allow in a match.
PS4 & Its New Games To Resurrect The Gaming Industry

The release of the Playstation 4 is getting closer every day now, and for gaming enthusiasts the big day just can’t come soon enough. We’ve heard by now about all of the specs and capabilities of this rather incredible sounding new console, and for Playstation fans these capabilities are reason enough to be excited. But moving beyond what the specific console will do, here are 3 reasons, specifically related to gaming in general, that we can’t wait to get our hands on the PS4!
Gamescom 2013: New Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster Trailer

A new trailer for Final Fantasy X/X-2 HD Remaster has been released from Gamescom, comparing the SD version of the game from the PS2 to the new HD Remastered version. The trailer shows off a sequence of battles, focusing on the Overdrive attacks.
PS4 Party Chat is Compatible with the PS Vita

The PS4’s Party Chat feature will be compatible with the Party Chat functionality that’s already on the PS Vita, according to Sony’s President of Worldwide Studios Shuhei Yoshida. The cross-platform feature was confirmed via twitter in response to a question by @rossthebassist.
Gamescom 2013: DRIVECLUB Direct Feed Footage

Evolution Studios have posted the first direct feed gameplay footage from their upcoming PS4 launch title DRIVECLUB on their official Facebook page. The three-minute clip shows just how impressive the game is looking, and give you a better idea of how the points system in the game works.
PS3 Games Need to be Verified Before You Get PS4 Upgrade Price

Sony has previously confirmed that PS3 gamers will be able to upgrade to PS4 versions of certain games if they’re upgrading to the upcoming console. In an interview with Digital Spy, Sony’s UK MD Fergal Gara confirmed that gamers will have to verify they still own the PS3 version of the game before getting discount on the digital version of the PS4 game.