SCEA have released September’s Instant Game Collection line-up for North America, revealing some top titles coming to the PlayStation Store next week. It’s the first time SCEA have revealed the whole month’s line-up in one go, but Sony Europe has been doing it for some time now. New games coming to the Instant Game Collection include Resident Evil Chronicles HD Collection (PS3), GTA: Liberty City Stories (PSP, PS Vita) and Rayman Origins (PS Vita).
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Killzone: Shadow Fall PS4 Bundle Leaks Out

A PS4 bundle with Killzone: Shadow Fall has leaked out via the Amazon France website, which lists the bundle costing €499.99 – around £430. Though the price is higher than the standalone console (which has a RRP of €399.99 / £349), it does come with the Blu-ray version of Killzone: Shadow Fall, an extra DualShock 4 controller and the PlayStation Camera.
Sony Shutting Down PlayStation Home in Asian Territories

If you’re a fan of PlayStation Home, don’t expect it to carry over to the PS4, as Sony are shutting down the service in Asian territories including Japan. The move could be a precursor to a worldwide shutdown. A press release from Sony states that there will be no new content for the service in Japan after September 2013, with other Asian territories following suit in March 2014.
Official Trailer for Grand Theft Auto V Released

Rockstar Games has released the official trailer for Grand Theft Auto V, which is just weeks away from it’s official release. The one-minute trailer doesn’t reveal any new details about the game, but it was recently revealed that the game would feature 240 licensed songs – some of which were leaked earlier in the week.
PS4 Camera to Support Voice Commands

According to Amazon’s product details for the PlayStation 4’s Camera, the peripheral will support Kinect-like voice commands to navigate the console’s menu system. The product details on the US Amazon site reads: “From navigational voice commands to facial recognition, the PlayStation Camera adds incredible innovation to your gaming.”
GTA V’s Social Features Include Crew Hierarchies

Rockstar have revealed the first of GTA V’s Social Club features for the online component of the game: Crew Hierarchies; which allows Crew Leaders to manage crew members and assign special ranks to players. The feature is already available online, ahead of GTA Online’s launch in October. By default, all players are classed as ‘muscle’ until reassigned.
Borderlands 2 ‘Game of the Year’ Edition Detailed

Gearbox Software and 2K have announced that Borderland 2 is to receive a ‘Game of the Year’ edition, featuring the full game and all the DLC released for the game to date as a complete package. The GOTY edition will be released in North America on October 8th 2013, and in Europe on October 11tu 2013.
The Last of Us Patched to v1.03, Adds “Interrogation” Multiplayer Mode

The Last of Us has received a massive new patch, updating the game to version v1.03 and adds a number of multiplayer fixes as well as an all-new multiplayer game mode: Interrogation. The patch is rolling out across all regions over the next 24 hours so don’t panic if you haven’t recieved the update yet.
Square-Enix Halt Sales of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn on PlayStation Store

Square Enix has chosen to temporarily halt sales of the digital download version of Final Fantasy XIV: A Realm Reborn as they work to enhance their online server capabilities. The game has proved to be highly popular and was met by an “overwhelming positive response” from users, causing game-wide server issues.
PS4 Will Automatically Wake Up for Remote Downloads

Sony’s President of Worldwide Studios, Shuhei Yoshida, has confirmed via twitter that purchasing a game remotely for the PS4 will automatically wake up the console to download the game, and then turn off when completed. Currently, the PS3 needs to be scheduled to wake up at a certain time in order to automatically download queued content.