FIFA 14 has made it to the top of the UK Games Chart this week, knocking GTA V down to second place just one week after it’s record-breaking launch. Sales for GTA V are down a massive 86%, helping FIFA 14 take the lead. Pro Evolution Soccer 2014 has been knocked down to fourth place, and The Last of Us has dropped back down to fifth.
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Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag “The Heist” Trailer

It’s another week and with it comes another new Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag trailer, this time its about Captain Edward Kenway quest for treasure. The new trailer, titled The Heist, shows a quick peek at how Captain Kenway organises a world class pirate heist together with a group of like-minded renegades to take the West Indies for all they’re worth.
Destiny Box Art Revealed for PS3 and PS4

Bungie has revealed the official box art for their upcoming PS3 and PS4 game, Destiny, while also revealing that a new gameplay trailer for the game will be released tomorrow. The title will be releasing next year on both consoles, but a exact release date hasn’t been revealed yet. The box art for the game shows off the three classes of Guardian you’ll be able to play as: Titan, Hunter, and Warlock.
GAME Reveals Six PS4 Bundles

Following Sony’s confirmation of the Killzone: Shadow Fall PS4 Bundle, GAME have emailed customers with launch day pre-orders details of the various PS4 packages they will be offering on November 29th. The email confirms day-one availability of the PS4 for anyone who pre-ordered before August 6th, and will be able to choose one of the six bundles below.
Naughty Dog Reveal The Last of Us DLC Plans

Naughty Dog has revealed the first of three DLC packs for The Last of Us, titled the Abandoned Territories Map Pack, which will be available to download on October 16th, in addition to detailing out the other two DLC packs. The first map pack will feature four new multiplayer maps to enjoy: Suburbs, Bus Depot, Hometown and Bookstore.
October PlayStation Plus Titles for North America Revealed

SCEA has revealed October’s PlayStation Plus games line-up in North America, which includes three PS3 titles and two new PS Vita titles. New titles include Shadow of the Colossus and Kingdoms of Amalur: Reckoning on the PS3, and cross-buy title Hotline Miami and Sine Mora on the PS Vita. All five games will be added to the Instant Game Collection throughout October, so be sure to keep an eye out on the weekly PlayStation Store update.
Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain PS4 Footage Released

New footage of Metal Gear Solid 5: The Phantom Pain on the PS4 has been released from Tokyo Game Show last week, featuring over 12 minutes of footage from the game. The footage was taken from a special demo of the game at the expo, showing just how impressive the game is looking on the next-gen console.
The Last of Us Alternate Ending Video Released

To celebrate the day the Cordyceps outbreak hit critical mass in the world of The Last of Us (October 26th 2013), Naughty Dog has released a video to show you the “alternate” ending for the game – with a slight twist. The alternate ending was first revealed at PAX Prime, but it’s the first time the video has been released publicly.
PS4 Games to have Suggested Retail Price of £60

The price of games on next-gen consoles will cost more than current-gen games, as expected, with the average PS4 game to cost £59.99. Sony has set the suggested retail price (SRP) of games, including DriveClub and Killzone: Shadow Fall, at £60, but you can expect them to reach as high as £70 depending on the publisher. Currently, the most expensive game on the PS3 is FIFA 14, which has RRP of £54.99.
Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag “Infamous Pirates” Trailer Released

Ubisoft have released yet another new trailer for their upcoming title, Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag, titled “Infamous Pirates”. The new trailer focuses on Infamous Pirates, as the name suggests, with Matt Ryan, the actor behind lead character Edward Kenway, narrating the trailer.