Website AnandTech has run two speed tests on the internet browsers on the Xbox One and PS4, revealing that the PS4’s browser is 2-5x faster than the Xbox One, at least in terms of JavaScript performance. Two tests were run on each browser, the first using the Sunspider benchmark suite which measures JavaScript performance, and the second using Kracken, a JavaScript performance benchmark created by Mozilla.
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PS4 is First Hardware to Include DTS-HD Master Audio | 7.1 Decoder

DTS, Inc. has revealed that the PS4 is the first product to include the new DTS-HD Master Audio 7.1 decoder, enabling the game console to decode 7.1-channel soundtracks streamed in the DTS-HD format. “By featuring DTS’ new DTS-HD Master Audio|7.1 technology, PS4 owners will be able to enjoy the same high-definition 7.1 surround sound experience received on Blu-ray from streaming and VOD services,” said DTS Executive Vice President and COO Brian Towne.
PS4 Firmware Update 1.51 Now Available

Sony has released the first minor firmware update for the PS4, updating the system software to version v1.51. The minor update is mandatory, and improves the stability of the system software and makes “minor refinements” to the System UI. The update should download to all North American PS4s by default while your console is in stand-by mode.
Need for Speed: Rivals Launch Trailer

EA has released the official launch trailer for upcoming racer Need for Speed: Rivals. The launch trailer focuses on the story aspect of the game, with voiceovers from the game’s protagonist. The game is already available in North America for the PS4, and will be available on the PS3 and other platforms this week, with the PS4 version coming to Europe on November 29th 2013.
European PS4 Launch Trailer

With well over a week to go until the PS4 releases in Europe, Sony is rubbing salt in the wounds of European gamers by releasing the official European launch trailer for the console, featuring references to a number of titles. If you look closely, you’ll see references to Knack, Killzone: Shadow Fall, inFamous: Second Son, DriveClub, Watch Dogs, Assassin’s Creed IV and The Order 1886.
PS4 Camera Microphone is Always On

If you’re planning to buy (or already have a PS4 Camera), you should be aware that the microphone on the device is always-on, and auto-broadcasts voice if you are in a party chat. There is no option to stop your voice being broadcasted, and you must physically disconnect the camera to stop the microphone, or use a headset and mute it.
PS4 and Xbox One Size Comparison

Microsoft’s Xbox One launches this Friday, November 22nd 2013, in North America and Europe, with the PS4 launching in Europe the following week, on November 29th 2013. German website has posted some photos comparing the size of the two consoles, showing just how different they are, but both sporting great designs.
Watch: Five Minutes of inFamous: Second Son

Direct-feed footage of inFamous: Second Son has surfaced showing over five minutes of new footage from the upcoming game from Sucker Punch. The new footage shows just how impressive the game is looking as it nears competition, ready for release in March 2014, with destructible environments and use of the DualShock 4’s unique features.
Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes PlayStation-Exclusive Mission Detailed

Hideo Kojima has revealed the mission from Metal Gear Solid V: Ground Zeroes that will be available exclusively to PlayStation. The exclusive content will be called “Deja Vu” and will allow you to play as the original MSG’s Solid Snake. The missions will be available on both the PS3 and PS4 versions of the game.
Gran Turismo 6 Now Available to Pre-Order on PlayStation Store

The digital version of Gran Turismo 6 is now available for pre-order from the PlayStation Store. You’ll be able to pre-order both the Standard Edition or the Special Edition, if you’ll looking for that little extra from the game. The Special Edition will get you the game with 20 extra cars, custom PSN avatars, paint chips, race suits and race helmets. Pre-ordering either of the packs will get you the Precision Pack for free.