PS4 launch title, Resogun, will be getting DLC content, developers Housemarque have revealed via their Facebook Fan Page. When questioned about a PS Vita version of the game, the developer revealed that they’re working on “Resogun DLC and another PS4 project”.
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FIFA 14 Still Dominates UK Games Chart, Killzone: Shadow Fall Climbs

Once again, the UK Games chart remains unchanged, with the top 4 titles keeping the same position as last week. FIFA 14 remains the no 1 seller, followed by CoD: Ghosts, Battlefield 4 and Assassin’s Creed IV: Black Flag. PS4 exclusive Killzone: Shadow Fall has climbed the chart yet again, gaining two places since last week, coming in at sixth position.
PlayStation Now Coming to Europe in Q1 2015 According to Leaked Slides

Eurogamers reports that Sony has developed new PS3 hardware to provide the PlayStation Now service coming to North America this Summer. In addition, leaked slides and Eurogamer’s sources confirm that the service will also be coming to Europe, but not until early 2015. Sony’s engineers have managed to shrink the equivalent of eight PS3s onto a single motherboard, housed in a slimline server cabinet.
HBO GO App Coming to PS3 and PS4

HBO CEO Richard Plepler has announced that HBO and PlayStation have partnered to offer the popular HBO GO app on the PS3, with a PS4 version to follow. Gamers with an HBO subscription will have unlimited, on-demand access to HBO shows like Game of Thrones, Boardwalk Empire and True Detective on their consoles with the HBO GO app.
Rockstar Take Measures to Stop GTA Online Cheaters

The GTA Online maintenance period that took place yesterday by Rockstar was to address cheaters in the game, it has been revealed. The maintenance period was used to remove counterfeit GTA$ from the game’s economy, which was created by a small number of players through an exploit. Those responsible for using the exploit will face tough action, according to Rockstar.
Shuhei Yoshida: No PS4 Firmware Update to Disable DualShock 4 Light Bar

Shuhei Yoshida has confirmed via twitter that the PS4 won’t be getting a firmware update to disable the DualShock 4’s lightbar in games that don’t use the feature. Twitter user @Mimzymoo asked the Sony Worldwide Studios President, “Will a future update disable the [DualShock 4] light bar for games that don’t use the light?” He replied with, “No.”
DriveClub Delayed in Japan, No Longer a Launch Title

DriveClub was expected to be a launch title in Japan, when the PS4 releases there on February 22nd 2014, but has been officially delayed. Sony Japan has announced via a Press Release that the game has been delayed due to “various reasons,” and now has an “undecided” release date.
GTA Online Offline Over The Next 24 Hours

Rockstar has revealed that GTA Online will be online from early this morning for an unspecified amount of time. The maintenance period starts at 2 AM GMT (9 PM Eastern Tine) and will finish at some point on Thursday, but an exact time wasn’t revealed. The nature of the maintenance period wasn’t disclosed, but could relate to new features or improved reliability.
Free Maps for Killzone: Shadow Fall Revealed

Guerrilla Games have revealed two new multiplayer maps for Killzone: Shadow Fall, which will be released to the community free of charge. The two maps are inspired by key locations from the single-player campaign: The Cruiser and The Hanger; both of which will be fully compatible with Killzone Shadow Fall’s Custom Warzone feature.
Guacamelee! Bundle Fantastico Releasing Next Week

If you haven’t already picked up Guacamelee! on the PS3 or PS Vita, you’ll be happy to know that Drinkbox Studios will be releasing a new bundle to the PlayStation Store next week: Guacamelee! Bundle Fantastico. The bundle will include a number of extras including DLC content, the soundtrack, avatars and XMB themes.