DrinkBox Studios has announced that Guacamelee! will be coming to the PS4 on July 1st in North America, and July 2nd in Europe. The Super Turbo Championship Edition will cost just $14.99 / €14.99 and will include the original game, and both the costume and El Infierno DLC, along with some other new content.
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GTA Online: “I’m Not a Hipster” Update Now Live

The “I’m Not a Hipster” update for Grand Theft Auto Online is now live, adding new features to the game, including retro print tees, skinny jeans, hairstyles, tattoos, animal masks and more. The update also adds seven new vehicles, weapons and Jobs.
LittleBigPlanet 3 Also Coming to PS3

At E3, LittleBigPlanet 3 was announced for the PS4, along with three new characters for the game. Now, a tweet from LBP community co-ordinator Steven Isbell has confirmed that the game will also be released on the PS3. In related news, Stephen Fry will be lending his voice to the game as the narrator, like previous LBP games.
Destiny’s PlayStation Exclusive Content Detailed

At Sony’s E3 Press conference last week, Adam Boyes announced that PlayStation owners would be get a ton of exclusive Destiny content. Today, that content has been detailed, and includes exclusive access to a unique co-up Strike located on Mars, and exclusive maps, gear, guns and ships.
Full HD Trailers for Uncharted 4 and The Last of Us Remastered

Naughty Dog have released new versions of the two E3 trailers for Uncharted 4: A Thief’s End and The Last of Us Remastered, both in glorious 1080p Full HD resolution. Both the trailers were captured completely in-game, with Drake’s Uncharted 4 model using over double the polygons of Joel from The Last of Us on PS3.
Final Fantasy XIV Patch 2.4 Adds New Character Class & Job

Square Enix has revealed that a new character class and job specialisation will be making their way to Final Fantasy XIV via Patch v2.4. The Rogue fighter will be a the new class, while the Ninja will be a new Job specialisation as part of that class, and will be available on PS3, PS4 and PC.
Onigiri Confirmed as Free-to-Play title for PS4

Following on from Sony’s E3 Press Conference, CyberStep Inc, the studio behind Onigiri has confirmed that the title is coming to the PS4 using the free-to-play model. The MMORPG doesn’t have a firm release date, but will be launching on the PS4 this summer.
UK Will Be One of the First European Territories to get PlayStation Now

SCEE’s UK managing director Fergal Gara has revealed to Digital Spy that the UK will be amongst the first countries in Europe to get their hands on PlayStation Now. The game streaming service will be going into Open Beta in North America in late July, but a European beta has not yet been announced.
Let It Die Confirmed a Free-to-Play Game on PS4

Revealed at Sony’s E3 Press Conference, Let it Die is coming exclusive to the PS4 in 2015. Now, creator Suda51 has revealed to Destructoid that the title will use the free-to-play business model. Details on the game remain scarce, but the will focus less on story and characters, and use real-world player data instead of standard AI.
Deep Down E3 2014 Trailer

Deep Down was missing from Sony’s E3 Press Conference, but a new trailer for the game was shows at Sony and Capcom’s booths. The development team is continuing to work hard, which means the game doesn’t have a release date yet.