Ubisoft is compensating Assassin’s Creed: Unity season pass holders after the launch issues with the game. As compensation, Ubisoft is giving those that already own the season pass a free game, with one of six to choose from, including Far Cry 4 and The Crew. The season pass has also been withdrawn from sale to stop abuse of the compensation.
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PlayStation Plus Titles for December Revealed

Sony has revealed the PlayStation Plus line-up for December for North America and Europe, which will both see exactly the same games added to the Instant Game Collection. Starting on December 2nd for North America, and the following day in Europe, six new titles will be added to the Instant Game Collection, including Injustice: Gods Among Us (PS4), and Hitman Trilogy HD (PS3).
How Does PlayStation Home Casino Match up to Online Casinos?

Comparing the experience of playing at on online casino such as Sky Vegas, bgo, or Genting Casino with playing at Paradise Springs Casino on PlayStation®Home on the PS3 is a little like comparing apples and oranges, or chalk with cheese. And that’s because of one major difference – at the online casinos you can play with real money.
Read MoreActivision Releases Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare Stats in Infographic

Activision has release a infographic showing various stats from the Call of Duty franchise, and it’s latest instalment Advanced Warfare. For example, players have earned over 1 quadrillion XP in the game in the first two weeks since launch. Also, over 5 million hours of footage was viewed on Twitch in the first week alone.
Sony Confirms PSN was not Breached Last Week

Last week we reported that Hacker Group DerpTrolling leaked thousands of PSN account details on the Internet, claiming that they hacked the PlayStation Network and other services. However, Sony ash now released a statement to Joystiq that no breach was detected, and account details are safe.
GTA V Back on Top of UK Games Chart

The next-gen release of Grand Theft Auto V on the PS4 and Xbox One has shot the game back to the top of the UK Games Chart. The game has broken records to make it the UK’s highest all-time selling game, beating the previous record holder: Call of Duty: Black Ops. New release Far Cry 4 also debuted on the chart in 2nd place, pushing Call of Duty: Advanced Warfare to third place.
The Crew Open Beta Starts on November 25th 2014

Ubisoft will be holding one last beta test for The Crew, which starts on November 25th 2014, and lasting for just a few days. The beta will include two of the five regions from the full game, but you’ll need a PlayStation Plus subscription to access the online features.
PSN Login Details Leaked By Hacker Group DerpTrolling

DerpTrolling has released a log of customer logins across the PlayStation Network and other services, revealing 2,131 PSN details. The group also claims that they have around 7 million usernames and passwords in total, including credit card details of some of the hacked services.
Sony Gives Excuses for DRIVECLUB Launch Issues

Sony Computer Entertainment America’s President and CEO Shawn Layden has defended the DRIVECLUB launch issues by giving a poor excuse on how it’s hard to test concurrent users hitting servers. According to Layden, it’s hard to beta test “50,000, 100,000, 200,000 users hit your service”. But we already know that the Destiny beta managed to test over 850,000 concurrent users.
Assassin’s Creed Unity Patch Changelog Released

With two patches for Assassin’s Creed: Unity already released since the game’s launch last week, Ubisoft have detailed changes coming to the game in the third patch. It’s good to see the game getting patched at breakneck speeds, however inconvenient it might be for players.