Sony has released another minor update for the PS4, updating the system software to v2.03. The minor update is mandatory to install and does nothing more than improve system stability during use of some features. You will be prompted to install the update next time you boot up your console.
PS4 Firmware
PS4 System Software Ver. 2.02

If you are still encountering issues with PS4 Firmware v2.00 or v2.01, Sony has released yet another minor update to improve system stability. PS4 Firmware v2.02 is now available to download and improves system stability during the use of features, games and apps.
PS4 System Software Ver. 2.01

Sony has released PS4 Firmware v2.01 to fix issues people have been having with Firmware 2.00, and in particular, the updated Rest Mode. The new patch is now available to download and improves “system stability during use of some features”.
PS4 System Software Ver. 2.00

PS4 Firmware v2.0 is now available to download, and we’ve pulled the official changelog from the PS4 to reveal all the features and changes added to the PS4 in this update. In addition to the previously announced features like Play Share, USB Music Playback and YouTube uploading, the firmware also makes changes to the notification popups, changes to the settings menu and more.
PS4 System Software Ver. 1.75

PS4 Firmware v1.75 is now available to download for, adding 3D Blu-ray support to the console among a few other changes. The new update was released over night, weighing in at 194 MB. In addition to 3D support, the firmware also moves all notifications on the top-right of the screen (like DualShock 4 notifications, System Messages) to the top-left, in line with all the other notifications.
PS4 System Software Ver. 1.74

Sony has released a new firmware update for the PS4 overnight, updating the system software to v1.74. The minor update weighs in at 194 MB and is mandatory if you want to continue to access the PlayStation Network. The update does nothing more than improve system stability.
PS4 System Software Ver. 1.72

Sony has released a new firmware update for the PS4 overnight, updating the system software to v1.72. The minor update weighs in at 194 MB and is mandatory if you want to continue to access the PlayStation Network. The update does nothing more than improve system stability.
PS4 System Software Ver. 1.71

A new firmware for the PS4 has been released, updating the system software to v1.71. You will be prompted to update your console the next time you boot it up, or if you’re lucky, the update will have already been installed for you. The update is mandatory, which means you console must be updated before you can play online.
PS4 System Software Ver. 1.70

PS4 Firmware v1.70 is the first major firmware update to hit the console since Firmware v1.50 was released when the PS4 first launched. Sony has listened to gamer feedback and incorporated many requested changes into this update, including dimming of the DualShock 4’s lightbar, and improving the Sharing functionality.
PS4 System Software Ver. 1.62

If you have turned on your PS4 in the last day, you’ll have noticed that a new firmware update is now available. Sony has released the minor firmware update to improve “Operation quality during use of some PlayStation 4 software”. Basically, the firmware doesn’t do much except improve stability of some apps.