A new minor firmware update has been released for the PS3, updating the system software to v4.81. The update is mandatory, and is required to access the PlayStation Network. The changelog states that this update improves system performance.
PS3 Firmware
PS3 System Software Ver. 4.80

PS3 Firmware update 4.80 is available to download. The minor update improves system performance, likely in relation to newly released games for the console. There hasn’t been a major firmware update for the PS3 in years, but at least bugs are still being addressed.
PS3 System Software Ver. 4.60

Along side today’s PS4 firmware update, Sony has released a new firmware update for the PS3. The new PS3 firmware updates the system software to version v4.60 and simply improves system stability during the use of some features. The update is 197 MB in size and is required to access the PlayStation Network.
PS3 System Software Ver. 4.55

The PS3 has received a firmware update, updating the console’s system software to version v4.55. The update is just a minor one, improving system stability with the use of some newly released games. The update is mandatory, so you’ll need to install it should you want to play online and access the PlayStation Store.
PS3 System Software Ver. 4.53

Sony has released a new minor firmware update for the PS3, fixing system stability issues with some games. The update is optional to download, but may be required when playing certain new titles. The previous update, Firmware v4.50, was a larger update adding privacy options to trophies and adding Closed Captioning support to Blu-ray movie playback.
System Software Ver. 4.50

The official changelog for PS3 Firmeare 4.50 has been revealed, and allows all users to now take advantage of automatic updates – a feature that was previously exclusive to PlayStation Plus subscribers.
System Software Ver. 4.46

The changelog for PS3 Firmware 4.46 has been revealed, confirming the minor nature of the update. The new update added an option to hide trophy notications, and also fixes a bug with the XMB not displaying after system updates.
System Software Ver. 4.40

The official changelog for PS3 Firmeare 4.40 has been revealed, and reveals that users will be able to download PS3 games to their console using the web version of the PlayStation Store. The changelog notes that the feature will become active in May 2013. The changelog also reveals that the PS3 Wireless Stereo Headset is now compatible with PS2 Classics.
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System Software Ver. 4.31

Sony has released a new firmware update for the PS3, updating the system software to version v4.31. The latest update is optional to install, and simply improves system issues with Monster Hunter Portable 3rd HD. The update is not required to access the PlayStation Network, but Sony recommends updating to the latest version.