As of PS3 Firmware 2.10, the PlayStation 3 supports the playback of VC-1 (WMV) encoded files. In order to play VC-1 content, WMV playback must be enabled by going to [Settings] > [System Settings] > [Enable WMA Playback]. Videos encoded using VC-1 larger than 2GB or with copy protection cannot be played on the PlayStation 3.
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Articles posted by Niraj Shah
Can the PlayStation 3 play DivX/XviD files?
The PlayStation 3 is able to play DivX and XviD encoded files using Firmware 2.10 or higher. The PlayStation 3 is a certified DivX product and supports the format natively, which means that developers can also included DivX encoded media into games. There are a few exceptions to note: the PS3 cannot play files that use DivX 3.11 or files that are larger than 2GB. In addition, copy-protected files cannot be played.
How can I turn off the Information Board?
The Information Board is available on firmware 2.00 or higher. To turn it off, go to [Network] > [Information Board] and press . Select [Do Not Display] to hide the information board. To re-enable it, simply press
on the [Information Board] icon.
The [Information Board] has been removed since Firmware 3.00 and has been replaced with a permanent ticker under the clock.
What region Blu-Ray/DVD movies can my PlayStation 3 play?
Depending on your PS3 model your console will be able to play Blu-Ray and DVD movies that are not locked, or those that are the same region code as your console. To see which region your PS3 corresponds to, please refer to the PS3 Model Number FAQ.
What are the differences between the PS3 model numbers?
The tables below summarize the differences between the different PS3 models numbers. The model numbers are divided into two seperate tables, showing the prefix and suffix of the model numbers.
Model Number Prefix:
Model |
PS2 |
Super-Audio CD |
Wi-Fi | Cell | Max Watts |
Display | USB Ports |
Card Readers |
Hard Drive |
Chrome Trim |
CECHA | Hardware | Yes | Yes | 90nm | 200 | NTSC | 4 | Yes | 60GB | Yes |
CECHB | Hardware | Yes | No | 90nm | 200 | NTSC | 4 | No | 20GB | No |
CECHC | Software | Yes | Yes | 90nm | 200 | PAL | 4 | Yes | 60GB | Yes |
CECHD | Software | Yes | No | 90nm | 200 | PAL | 4 | No | 20GB | No |
CECHE | Software | Yes | Yes | 90nm | 200 | NTSC | 4 | Yes | 80GB | Yes |
CECHF | Software | Yes | Yes | 90nm | 200 | PAL | 4 | Yes | 80GB | Yes |
CECHG | No | No | Yes | 65nm | 140 | NTSC/PAL | 2 | No | 40GB | Yes |
CECHH | No | No | Yes | 65nm | 140 | NTSC | 2 | No | 40GB | Yes |
The models with Software PS2 compatibility still contain the GS chip, but no EE chip – the EE is emulated through software. The models with no PS2 Compatibility have neither of the EE/GS chips.
Model Number Suffix:
Code | Region | Blu-Ray Region | DVD Region | PS2 Region | PSOne Region |
00 | Japan | A | 2 NTSC | NTSC-J | NTSC-J |
01 | North America | A | 1 NTSC | NTSC-U/C | NTSC-US |
02 | Australia / New Zealand | B | 4 NTSC/PAL | PAL | PAL |
03 | U.K. / Ireland | B | 2 NTSC/PAL | PAL | PAL |
04 | Europe / Middle East / Africa | B | 2 NTSC/PAL | PAL | PAL |
05 | South Korea | A | 3 NTSC | NTSC-J | NTSC-J |
06 | Singapore | A | 3 NTSC | NTSC-J | NTSC-J |
07 | Taiwan | A | 3 NTSC | NTSC-J | NTSC-J |
08 | Russia / India | C | 5 NTSC/PAL | PAL | PAL |
09 | China | C | 6 NTSC/PAL | NTSC-C | NTSC-J |
10 | ? | ? | ? | ? | ? |
11 | Mexico | A | 4 NTSC | NTSC-U/C | NTSC-US |
12 | Hong Kong | A | 3 NTSC/PAL | NTSC-J | NTSC-J |
The two tables together make up the complete PlayStation 3 table number. For example, a UK 60GB PS3 will have the code: CECHC03.
How do I activate Remote Start to use with Remote Play?
Remote Start can only be used with PS3 firmware 2.00 or higher, and PSP firmware 3.72 or higher. Remote Start will only work if the following steps have been performed:
- Update the PSP system software to version 3.72 or later.
- Complete the network settings on the PS3 system so that it can connect to the Internet.
- Set to log in automatically under [Users] on the PS3 system.
- Create a PLAYSTATION Network account.
- Set to sign in automatically to PLAYSTATION Network.
You can activate Remote Start by going to [Settings] > [Remote Play Settings] > [Remote Start]. Remote Start will keep your network connection alive, even when the system is in standby mode. Having Remote Start activated consumes more power than normal stand-by mode.
How do I upscale DVDs?
You can activate the option to upscale DVD’s from the [Settings] menu. Go to [Settings] > [BD/DVD Settings] > [DVD Upscaler]. Depending on your HDTV, you have four different upscaling options:
- Off (turns off DVD upscaling)
- Double Scale (this can only be used if your PS3 video output settings is set to 1080i or 1080p)
- Normal
- Full Screen
DVD Upscaling can only be used on firmware 1.80 or higher, and if you are using a HDMI cable to output the display to a HDTV.
How can I group games into folders?

Browse to the game you wish to put into a folder and press TRIANGLE to bring up the menu. Select “Information” and edit the “Group” property. The name you enter here will be the group. To add another game into the same folder, you must edit the group information of that game to match the folder name. There is no option to add multiple games into a folder, this must be done manually.
Similarly, you can use the same technique to group photos, music and videos into folders. Grouping can only be done on firmware 2.00 or greater.
How do I install or delete a XMB Theme?
You can only install an XMB theme if you are using firmware 2.00 or greater. The .p3t files, must be stored in the "PS3/THEME" director of a memory card or external hard drive. To install the themes, go to [Settings] > [Theme Settings] > [Themes] and click install. Select the device on which the themes are stored and select the theme you wish to install.
Click on an installed theme to set the theme, delete the theme or view information about the theme.