Good news for Qore subscribers this month. Annual subscribers are invited to the upcoming UNCHARTED 2: Among Thieves multiplayer Beta commencing on June 3rd 2009. Everyone who becomes a new Qore subscriber on or before May 15 will also receive the Beta invitation. As for the content, Episode 12 will feature Batman: Arkham Asylum, DiRT 2, Ghostbusters and Euphoria. The new episode will be live later today.
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Articles posted by Niraj Shah
XTREME PS3 is now on WordPress

Until now, XTREME PS3 was using a custom CMS I wrote a few years ago (it was originally written for XTREME PSP). Over the past two years, I’ve had very little time to make changes to the CMS and add new features so we’ve decided to move over to a better supported platform – hence the change to WordPress. What you are now looking at is the new version of XTREME PS3. We’ve moved over most of the content from the old CMS except for the Wallpaper Gallery.
The layout is a lot different to what we had, so please take some time to look around to familiarize yourself with everything. If you were a member of the old website, you will be able to login with your old details. If you are new, you can register using the registration form or using Facebook Connect. Any comments or suggestions on the new layout is much appreciated.
Ghostbusters Content Coming to PlayStation Home

Ghostbusters fansite Proton Charging reports that PS3 users will be getting some Ghostbusters-themed content on PlayStation Home. The official press release isn’t out yet, but Sony has apparently confirmed it. The content will range from Ghostbusters jumpsuits for Home avatars to an Ecto-1 that can actually be driven around. The content will also include "a firehall space, some sort of flying Slimer gizmo, movies, and virtual memorabilia".
No launch dates yet, but it would most likely go live around the Ghostbusters game’s June release in North America and Europe. We expect a press release on the exact content soon.
Sony To Reveal New Motion Sensing Controller is going out on a little limb today, reporting that Sony’s much rumoured motion sensing controller is not only ‘real’ but is also due to be shown at E3 next month. A source has told Variety that a working prototype has been available for months, and largely fits what was in the original patent – the controller apparently uses LEDs and a tiny webcam to track movement. So far, Sony has declined to comment so its best to consider this as a rumor for now (at least until E3 anyway).
PlayStation Store update for April 30th 2009

The last PlayStation Store update for April is now live. This week, only new demo is available for download and it’s only available on the US PlayStation Store: MARVEL VS. CAPCOM 2. As for Game Add-on Content, the Killzone 2 pack, Steel and Titanium, is now available for purchase from both stores. There is also new add-on content for LittleBigPlanet, Need For Speed, Burnout Paradise, Rock Band, Guitar Hero and more. Check out the complete list below.
PlayStation Store update for April 24th 2009

This week’s PlayStation Store update is in! The Red Faction: Guerrilla and UFC 2009 Undisputed playable demos are now available to download from both the US and European PlayStation Stores. The Saints Row 2 DLC packs is also available for purchase on both stores as well as new content for LittleBigPlanet, Rock Band, Guitar Hero, The Godfather II and Midnight Club. Check out the complete list of new content for both stores below.
Killzone 2 DLC Trailer and Price

Last week we gave you details on the Killzone 2 downloadable content “Steel and Titanium”, which is scheduled for release at the end of the month. The downloadable pack will be available on the US PlayStation Store next week for $5.99. The European PlayStation Store price is still to be confirmed. The pack will contain two brand new multiplayer maps with new gameplay elements and strategic twists. The two new maps are “Wasteland Bullet” and “Vekta Cruiser”. See below for a trailer on the new pack.
PlayStation Network downtime on April 21st

The PlayStation Network will be taken offline on Tuesday, April 21 for some essential maintenance according to Community Team Leader MusterBuster over at the Official EU PlayStation Forums. The maintenance will begin at 7:00 AM (GMT +1) during which time the entire network will be unavailable. The maintenance time frame was not mentioned so it could take several hours before the network is back online.
PlayStation Store update for April 16th 2009

This week’s PlayStation Store update is in and there is a whole load of new game add-on content available to purchase and download. There are two new downloadable games on the European PlayStation Store, and both stores have some new wallpaper and XMB themes available for download. New game add-on content includes LittleBigPlanet costumes, Rock Band and Guitar Hero tracks, Roster updates for Smackdown vs RAW ’09 and add-ons for Valkyria Chronicles. Check out the complete list below.
Killzone 2 Downloadable Content coming April 30th

Killzone 2 downloadable content was announced a few weeks back but we though we would wait until now to give you the details. The downloadable pack “Steel and Titanium” will be available at the end of this month but the price has yet to be confirmed – it will not be available for free. The pack will contain two brand new multiplayer maps with new gameplay elements and strategic twists. The two new maps are “Wasteland Bullet” and “Vekta Cruiser”. See below for more details on the two new maps.