If you are not attending this year’s E3, there is no need to miss out on Sony’s Press Conference. You can catch the big announcements online from 7:00PM BST (11:00AM PST) tomorrow at IGN and GameSpot, and from within PlayStation Home. The Pavillion Space is all setup within PlayStation Home, though we’re not sure whether the conference will be streamed live into PlayStation Home. Sony’s conference is expected to be 2 hours long.
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Articles posted by Niraj Shah
BBC Confirms PS3 Slim?

Earlier last month we reported on the leaked photos of the PlayStation 3 slim model spotted on the Internet. Sony was quick to deny the rumors and the even went as far as stating that they “currently has no plans” for a redesign. With the news of the PSP Go! leaked over the weekend, many websites including the BBC have picked up on the story, but with one exception. The BBC has mentioned that the new slimmer PS3 “will not be launched at E3.” The BBC goes further and says “new PS3 model will be out later this year.”
VidZone Hands-On

Looking forward to the VidZone service from Sony? GameSpot had the chance to try out the new service before general release (see below). In short, the service will only support SD content and will only allow you to stream content (you won’t be able to save any videos to the hard drive). The service will be free and will be supported through advertising. You will find various advertising banners throughout the application. You will be able to launch the VidZone service directly from the XMB under the [Music] menu.
Final Fantasy VII Rated for PS3 and PSP

class=”aligncenter size-medium wp-image-1124″ title=”Final Fantasy VII on ESRB” src=”https://www.xtremeps3.com/wp-content/uploads/2009/05/picture-4-480×174.png” alt=”” width=”480″ height=”174″ />
PlayStation Video Store Update for May 29th 2009

Here are this week’s new releases and top downloads for the PlayStation Video Store are in! A new channel has launched this week: DC Comics, where you can catch your favorite DC Comics super heroes. Download the epic adventures of Batman, Superman and many more action-packed good-battling-evil episodes today under TV Shows –> Networks –> DC Comics! As for this week’s top movie downloads, Outlander is in first place followed by The Uninvited and Paul Blart: Mall Cop in second and third place, respectively. Check out whats new below.
PlayStation Store Update for May 28th 2009

The last PlayStation Store update for May 2009 is now live. Europe has received a massive update with two new downloadable games and two new demos. As for the US, there is one new demo and a PSOne classic available for download. Both stores have received a lot of new game add-on content, including LittleBigPlanet costumes, another MotorStorm Pacific Rift Livery Pack, Saints Row 2 game pack and new tracks for Rock Band and Guitar Hero. Check out the complete list below.
Buzz! Comes to PlayStation Home

Very soon, Sony is launching a brand new space in PlayStation Home called Buzz! HQ, where you can chat and meet up with other quiz fans in a new lobby area or take part in a multiplayer Buzz! quiz game extravaganza. The game space will feature a huge game stand with four coloured answer buttons are laid out on the floor. When asked a question, you must be standing on the right answer when the time runs out.
PlayStation.Blog Europe Is Now Live
The wait is finally over – the official PlayStation.Blog from Sony Computer Entertainment Europe (SCEE) is now live. “Now that we’re here, it’s our hope that this blog will grow to become a one-stop-shop for your daily fix of PlayStation news from across the SCEE region,” says Charlotte Large, on the SCEE PlayStation.Blog. Just like the US sister-site, the European PlayStation.Blog will be sharing all the latest PlayStation news, interviews, trailers, event coverage and much more; everything will come firsthand from the people who work at SCEE, in the development teams and across third parties.
Crash Commando Patched

A patch for Crash Commando is now available to download. The patch makes a lot of game play and UI improvements to the game (details below). In addition, a demo of the game will be available to download from the PlayStation Store after today’s update. The demo will let you try a level in the single player offline mode. Olof Gustafsson, CEO at EPOS Game Studios, has also announced that downloadable content is on the way.
Sony Announces VidZone

VidZone is coming soon to PLAYSTATION 3 this summer, bringing thousands of streaming music videos to watch whenever you want, completely free of charge. All you have to do is download the VidZone music video application from PlayStation Store, free of charge, and access the service via the icon that appears under [Music] on the PS3 Home Menu (XMB). That’s all you have to do to get free, unlimited access to thousands of music videos, with many more coming in regular updates.