No Man’s Sky developer, Hello Games, is under investigation by the UK Advertising Standards Authority (ASA) Eurogamer reports. The investigation is looking at the promotional materials used by Hello Games when promoting No Man’s Sky to the public, which includes lot of features that are currently not in the game.
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Articles posted by Niraj Shah
US PlayStation Store Update for 27th September 2016

New content is available on the US PlayStation Store, with six new PS4 games, one new PS3 game and one new PS Vita game added, along with lots of new add-on content. New games this week include XCOM 2 (PS4), FIFA 17 (PS4, PS3) and Darkest Dungeon (PS4, PS Vita).
PlayStation Line-up for October 2016 Revealed

Sony has revealed the six new games coming to the PlayStation Plus Instant Game Collection in October. In true Halloween spirit, the line-up includes the remastered Resident Evil (PS4), and will be available on the PlayStation Store from 4th October 2016. The line-up also includes Transformers: Devastation (PS4). Check out the full list below.
EU PlayStation Store Update for 27th September 2016

New content is available on the European PlayStation Store today, with ten new PS4 games, one new PS3 game and four new PS Vita games. New games include FIFA 17 (PS4, PS3), Dragon Quest Builders Demo (PS4). New DLC is available too, including the 4th Episode of King’s Quest.
New Watch Dogs 2 Story Trailer Released

As we near the release of Ubisoft’s Watch Dogs 2, a new Story trailer has been released to promote the game. The new trailer shows the major characters on both sides of the conflict between hacker collective DedSec and the corrupt corporations like Blume. The new trailer also introduces players to Blume’s CTO Dusan Nemec, who is a key antagonist in the game.
EU PlayStation Store Update for 20th September 2016

New content is available on the European PlayStation Store, with twelve new PS4 games, three new PS Vita games and a handful of new add-on content. New games this week include Destiny: Rise of Iron (PS4), Dear Esther: Landmark Edition (PS4) and Rally Copters (PS4, PS Vita).
Battlefield 4 DLC Free For Limited Time

EA are giving away five different expansion packs for Battlefield 4 for free, over the next week or so. Why? Because EA wants everyone to join in on some Battlefield 4 action before Battlefield 1 releases on October 21st 2016. The only catch is that each DLC will only be free for a certain number of days, and not all at once. The DLC is free across all platforms, including the PS4 and PS3.
US PlayStation VR Demo Disc Has 10 More Demos than European Version

Sony previously revealed that the PlayStation VR will come with a demo disc to allow gamers to try a sample of games, with Sony Europe listing the 10 games that will be included. It now turns out that the US and Canadian version of the demo disc will feature 10 more demos then the European version. US exclusive demos include Job Simulator, Until Dawn: Rush of Blood and Resident Evil 7 biohazard.Read More
Limited Edition Final Fantasy XV PS4 Bundle Revealed, Releasing in Late November

Square Enix and Sony have revealed a limited edition Final Fantasy XV branded PS4, which will be releasing in late November. This custom version of the new slimmer, lighter PS4 model comes with a 1TB HDD, and features a large illustration on the front of the system. The box also includes Final Fantasy XV with an exclusive Steelbook, and the new DUALSHOCK 4 adorned with an XV graphic.
PS4 System Software Ver. 4.00

The next major firmware update for the PS4 is now available to download, bringing with it many new features as well as a new User Interface for various screens on the system. Sony has added a customisable and larger Quick Menu, which you can access using the PS button; added offline trophy browsing along with the ability to see the details of hidden trophies; and lots more. This update also adds HDR support to the console, giving you more vivid colours if your TV supports HDR.