PS5 launch title Godfall has received a massive update, adding new content to the game as well as fixing a number of bugs and issues with the game. The update is free to download, and includes more challenging content for endgame players and introduces a new loot category called Primal Items.
Below you can find a summary of the key features included in the update, and further down you can find the Release Notes for the patch that details the many bug and issue fixes.

Key Features
- Ascension Levels – Now let you power up even after you’ve reached the level cap, granting you new Ascension Powers and Ascension Bonuses.
- Primal Items – Add a compelling dimension to loot hunting, injecting a massive buff to the item’s primary trait as a new loot modifier. You’ll be able to view the impact of these effects with our new Detailed Player Stats Screen.
- Tower of Trials – Both regular and Ascended versions of the tower received a substantial overhaul and expanded content including fresh new objectives, better rewards, greater challenges, and surprise events that will force you to adapt and test your builds. This increased difficulty will definitely make good use of your new Ascension Levels and Primal modifiers.
- Ascended ToT & ToT now have you pick Banes, which are negative effects on the player. The harder the Bane, the better the loot bonus!
- Ascended ToT is the only way to get Primal Items
- Ascended ToT is now heavily condensed: 30 Trials instead of 100, and provides many more keys per Trial surpassed.
- Dreamstones – Dreamstones have undergone extensive changes, including improved loot targeting and increased Electrum rewards. We’ve also added an entirely new class of items called Volatile Dreamstones that can further improve your rewards.
- Zenun Shopkeeper – Zenun is now an in-game vendor that lets you buy weapons with your in-game resources to gear up for your challenge runs. Head to the Sanctum to see what Zenun has available for you today!
- More QoL – This content update includes various bug fixes, player weapon refinements, co-op tech enhancements and other QoL improvements. The full list of updates can be found below.
Godfall Patch v2.4.44 Release Notes (PS5):
Enemy Related Items:
- Solved an issue where bosses in the takedown state would reset and become invulnerable to takedowns if the player dies. ⚔️
- Solved an issue where certain bosses (basic and their variations) would not have their takedown animations available.
- Solved an issue where defeating a Story Mission boss would sometimes crash without saving progress.
- Solved an issue where leveling up while performing a takedown finisher on a boss would cause the boss to no longer be defeatable. ⚔️
- Solved an issue where summoned enemies from a boss encounter would remain alive after the main boss has perished. ⚔️
- Solved an issue during Dreamstone Gauntlets where bosses would not spill their utility drops (such as health globules or archon fury charge) until the final boss died.
- Solved a multiplayer issue where the final boss in a gauntlet mission would fail to drop the loot from the previous bosses. ⚔️
- Solved a multiplayer issue where enemy projectiles could desync and cause damage to players through their shields, or clip through their hitbox dealing no damage. ⚔️
- Solved an issue where Abyssian Lancers could regenerate faster than intended.
- Solved an issue where Black Tide Officers could grab the player from a greater distance than intended.
- Solved an issue where Darkmoon Sentinels would make a non-perilous attack that would expose a weakpoint if parried, but remain ethereal (and thus invulnerable to damage).
- Solved an issue where Grieves Sunsteel would continuously spawn Flameblood enemies if the player would wait outside the arena.
- Solved a multiplayer issue where Dreamstone Ascendant/Exalted Grieves Sunsteel mission could be successfully completed by having one player leave the party and another player die. ⚔️
- Solved an issue where Sobeku would use their perilous strikes or bite after a tail swipe attack and always miss the player.
- Solved an issue where Gilden Knight could become unkillable in Dreamstones if players dealt too much damage too quickly. ⚔️
- Solved an issue where the player could be stunned out of the Vargul Warrior takedown animation, causing the Vargul Warrior to become unkillable.
- Solved an issue where Sunflare Ravager could become invulnerable if the fallback/alternate takedown is used (instead of the primary animation).
- Solved an issue where Falcius Diarch would teleport away, they would appear to start their healing ability but never actually complete that action. ⚔️
- Solved an issue where Falcius Diarch could use their grab attacks before intended.
- Solved an issue where Falcius Diarch could reveal a takedown prompt when breached before being reduced to 0 hit points as intended.
- Solved an issue where Exalted Solaris’ grab attack could kill a player instantly, regardless of their stats.
- Solved an issue where Exalted Solaris would not spawn correctly and not fight the player (or take damage).
- Solved an issue where Solaris’ Beam Massacre could be reselected for use immediately after firing.
Solaris should now go into proper recovery from using that attack. - Solved a multiplayer issue where Solaris would summon an invisible Sunflare Orb for the remainder of the mission.
- Solved an issue where certain enemy types would sometimes suffer no damage from takedowns.
- Solved an issue where enemies were not scaling correctly.
- Solved an issue where enemy grab attacks would connect at the start of the anticipation animation instead of the intended attack frames.
- Solved an issue where players were able to block certain Red Power Attacks.
(Reminder that Red Power Attacks are meant to be unblockable)
Combat Related Items:
- Solved an issue where player projectiles (such as Shields) would sometimes not interact with Story Mission objectives (like Spirit Tethers). ⚔️
- Solved an issue where respawning from death would sometimes cause the held weapon to unequip, despite showing as equipped in the inventory.
- Solved an issue where using a Northern Technique while having the Polearm Voidsight as your offhand would still allow you to trigger its primary effect and summon a Void Sentinel. ⚔️
- Solved an issue where leveling up in the middle of a Longsword heavy combo finisher would result in eccentric camera behavior. ⚔️
- Solved a multiplayer issue when fighting Exalted Macros where using a Longsword Northern Technique could cause that player to crash.
- Solved an issue where Archon Fury Sentinels could cause a sever frame rate drop when firing their beams at enemies.
- Solved an issue where target-locking on an enemy would prevent the button prompt for the Rank 5 Takedown skill (Spectral Takedown) from appearing, despite being useable.
- Solved an issue where the Rank 3 Weakpoint skill would allow players to stack the breach damage bonus indefinitely.
- Solved an issue where the Rank 5 Takedown skill (Spectral Takedown) could target bosses (who are immune to the skill).
Previously you could target a boss, consume the Spectral Takedown and deal no damage. You can no longer target bosses. - Solved a multiplayer issue where the Rank 5 Takedown skill (Spectral Takedown) would sometimes not be available.
- Solved a multiplayer issue where using “Petrifying Slam” would not function but still consume the shield charge.
UI/HUD and Input Related Items:
- Solved an issue where Dreamstone advertised rewards for Hunt Missions would sometimes be missing or appear combined into a single item.
- Solved an issue where losing network connection when finishing a Dreamstone mission and attempting to select a Boon would cause desync issues when they reconnect.
- Solved an issue where the final boss fight of a Dreamstone always indicated that it awarded a skill point.
This is true only for the first completion of that Dreamstone, and will no longer appear on subsequent attempts. - Removed the tutorial cards that would appear when replaying a mission through Dreamstones.
- Solved a multiplayer issue where attempting to open the Party Invite UI with the Dreamstone menu open would cause the text to overlap.
- Solved a multiplayer issue where the second player to interact with a Divination Spring can remove the boon the first player selected by choosing the same boon. ⚔️
- Solved a multiplayer issue where clicking on the “Start a Party” button could softlock the player with a blank UI screen.
- Solved an issue where a crash could occur when trying to unlock a new Valorplate while the Rank 5 Takedown skill is unlocked. ⚔️
- Removed the current objective text when the player enters the Training Room.
(It will no longer overlap with the combo list text) - Solved an issue where boss health bars would not render in the Tower of Trials.
- Solved an issue where attempting to switch characters while offline and then reconnecting would cause a softlock.
- Solved an issue where opening the Equipment menu with items containing certain combinations of skills/traits could crash the game.
- Solved an issue where parrying a Red Power Attack with high ping would cause the Shield to stay deployed on their arm. ⚔️
- Solved an issue where selecting the Salvage option in the forge when attempting to Upgrade or Enchant an item would cause a softlock.
- Solved various issues with localization strings. ⚔️
- Solved an issue where certain gamepad controller inputs on the Equipment menu could cause a softlock.
- Solved an issue where the post-mission screen prompt (Continue Exploring or End Mission) would not register gamepad controller input shortly after it appeared.
- Solved an issue where gamepad controllers would sometimes not register the sprint command correctly.
- Solved an issue where taking the Rank 1 Finesse skill could cause all evade actions to be a slide.
- Solved an issue where the player could lock out their input when attempting to use “Siphon” or “Sundering Slam” skills.
- Solved an issue where the lifestone healing animation would not play, causing a softlock for future lifestone healing.
SFX and VFX Related Items:
- Solved a multiplayer issue where the music during cutscenes would abruptly end for all party members, leaving only voice overs and certain SFX to play.
- Solved an issue where choosing Boons in the Dreamstones menu was missing their SFX.
- Solved an issue where the Low Health SFX would fade away after a brief moment despite the player remaining in a critical state (or take a new instance of damage).
- Solved an issue where the Low Health VFX would not grow in intensity as the player sustained more damage and grew closer to death.
- Solved an issue where leveling up could create a corrupted SFX that would loop for a short time.
- Solved an issue where opening the door to Zamora could create a corrupted SFX that would loop until the mission is complete.
- Solved an issue where the chest opening SFX would sometimes loop indefinitely after opening a Timing Post or Minesweeper puzzle chest in Free Roam.
- Solved an issue where using the beacon in the Tower of Trials could create a corrupted SFX that would loop until the trial was completed.
- Solved various issues with audio desyncs that could occur during some cutscenes.
Miscellaneous Items:
- Solved various issues related to micro-stuttering.
We are still on the lookout for more possible issues that cause stuttering. - Solved an issue in Free Roam where the chest of the third complete activity would sometimes disappear after completing the puzzle. ⚔️
- Solved an issue where a Cursed Chest’s protective aura would reappear if the player created too much distance (between them and the chest) after defeating all the enemies, preventing the player from opening the chest. ⚔️
- Solved a multiplayer issue where the Timing Posts from the puzzle chest found in Free Roam could not be hit with a party of 3 players. ⚔️
- Solved an issue where completing a Dreamstone mission always rewarded the player as if they had completed one more objective than they had completed.
- Solved an issue where defeating Macros in a Dreamstone would not take the player back to the Sanctum after the countdown timer ends.
- Solved an issue with the Air Realm Gauntlet that allowed bosses to leave the arena’s boundaries.
- Solved a multiplayer issue where a player could become stuck if they attempted to use a Phase Node to escape the elevator before the door closes. ⚔️
- Solved a multiplayer issue where destroyed totems retained their collision model, causing janky movement around their location. ⚔️
- Solved an issue where the game would sometimes crash after watching a cutscene.
- Solved an issue where portals could spawn outside the arena during the first challenge room of The Final Ascent.
- Solved an issue where Story Missions taking place in the Central Tower would crash when interacting with the Twilight Beacon.
- Solved an issue where the Sunflare Orb activity could sometimes not be activated in Story Missions.
- Solved an issue where Charm rooms in the Tower of Trials would not offer Charm chests. ⚔️
- Solved an issue where chests in a Charm room would display Banner icons instead of Charm icons in the Tower of Trials.
- Solved an issue where opening two chests inside certain rooms in the Tower of Trial would prevent the elevator beacon from functioning.
- Solved an issue where players could sometimes receive one less key than presented on their timer in the Tower of Trials.
- Solved a multiplayer issue where only one player from a party of 3 in the Ascended Tower of Trial could see health bars.
- Solved a multiplayer issue where only the first party member interacting with a Divination Spring is able to obtain a boon when inside the Tower of Trials
- Solved a multiplayer issue where opening a door in the Ascended Tower of Trials could cause all users to disconnect.
- Solved an issue that could place the player out of bounds when using a Phase Node, causing their death.
- Solved an issue where respawning from death would sometimes cause the game to crash.
- Solved various environment collision issues across the realms.
- Solved various issues with LOD and texture rendering.
- Solved various issues with player animations (such as weapon placements and boss takedowns).
PlayStation 5 Only
- Solved an issue where opening the Options Menu while the Unlock Skill notification is displayed would cause a ringing SFX to loop.
- Solved an issue where loading the “Black Tide Officer Hunt” during the Solaris Ascended Dreamstone would sometimes cause the game to crash.
Updates with a sword (⚔️) are based on player feedback collected from various communities and through support tickets.