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PSP Comic Application Updated

Sony has updated the PSP Comic reading application to version v2.01. The new version of the application adds a number of new features and improvements to the application, the changelog for which can be found below. You can update your application by following the instructions below.


Update Instructions:

  1. If you don’t have the Digital Comics Reader application on your PSP yet, follow these instructions.
  2. If you are already using the Reader, check which version of you are currently using. To do this, navigate to the Digital Comics icon on your XMB (under “Extras”) and hit the Triangle button. Select “version information” from the available options. If you see 1.01, you need to upgrade!
  3. Hit “Yes” to launch the browser (you’ll need to have wi-fi connection) and follow the on-screen instructions to download version 2.01 of the Reader.
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