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PlayStation Store Update for April 1st 2010

This week on the PlayStation Store, the first DLC for Heavy Rain and Army of Two: The 40th Day is now available for download. You can also find new DLC for many other titles, including LittleBigPlanet, Rock Band and Guitar Hero. The Namco Museum Essentials demo and full game is available to download or purchase in Europe, as well as the Warhawk Dynamic Theme.

European Additions:

Special Offers (Available until the 15th of April)

Permanent Price Reductions

Downloadable Games

Pre-order Game Bundle

Game Bundle



Add-On Game Content


Dynamic Themes


US Additions:

Price Updates


Downloadable Games

The Tester

PSone Classics

Add-on Game Content

Game Videos (free)

PS3 Themes

Wallpaper (free)

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