PlayStation Network Cards are coming to Europe this September in £20 / €20 and £50 / €50 denominations. If you don’t own a credit card, this is a simple and easy way to add credit to your PSN Wallet. Once aspect about these cards is different from the US PSN Cards, however. The European PSN Cards will come inside a PlayStation 3 games case, as shown on (see below).
Why thats kinda stupid..waste of plastic
emm thief protection from scratching instore …….
@DaLi PSN Cards are not activated until they have been checked out. So stealing them doesn’t make a difference – they won’t be active.
its just waste of plastic
say no to plastic. Save our earth.
well god knows why they are in plastic , wii points got plastic too !!
Finally, my girlfriend has something she can buy me for xmas that i will use!
killing trees D’;
@PS3 LUV plastic doesn’t grow on trees!
lol grows on trees
pigs can fly lol !! it s… that am not in europe but i use a eu account i hope my retailer gets some of the cards