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Bronze Trophies:
Welcoming Committee
Complete the Tutorial mission – blow up the two buildings in the tutorial mission to unlock this trophy. Very easy to obtain.
Spread the Word
Liberate Parker Sector – complete all the missions and reduce EDF numbers to zero to unlock this trophy.
Death From Above
Liberate Dust Sector – complete all the missions and reduce EDF numbers to zero to unlock this trophy.
Friendly Skies
Liberate Badlands Sector – complete all the missions and reduce EDF numbers to zero to unlock this trophy.
Don’t Tread On Me
Liberate Oasis Sector – complete all the missions and reduce EDF numbers to zero to unlock this trophy.
Coup D’etat
Liberate Eos Sector – complete all the missions and reduce EDF numbers to zero to unlock this trophy.
Complete 5 Guerrilla Actions – this is pretty easy to obtain. Complete any five Guerrilla missions (look for a green icon on the map) to obtain this trophy.
Complete 25 Guerrilla Actions – the five missions from the Insurgent trophy count towards this trophy. Slightly harder to unlock but you will end up unlocking this by trying to reduce EDF numbers.
Freedom Fighter
Complete 50 Guerrilla Actions – the 25 missions from the Guerrilla trophy count towards this trophy. Harder to obtain but can be achieved before beating the game. You must complete 50 unique guerrilla missions to obtain this trophy.
Clean and Righteous!
Destroy 5 High Importance targets – this can be achieved before beating the game. High importance targets are marked on your map as a large blue icon with a star.
Warp Speed
Beat all Transporter Pro times – this trophy is difficult to get and requires fast driving, good control and use of as many shortcuts as possible. You will likely have to retry a few missions in order to get this.
Got Any Fingers Left?
Beat all Pro times in Demolitions Master – another difficult trophy to obtain. Some of the demolition missions are tricky to complete, especially when trying to obtain the Pro times. You will definitely spend a few hours trying to get them all complete.
Lost Memories
Locate all missing radio tags – radio tags are difficult to find so expect to spend a few hours looking for them. The location for the tags are random so we can’t tell you exactly where to find them.
Working the Land
Mine all ore locations – just like “Lost Memories”, ore locations are difficult to find and not marked on your map. Best to tackle this after completing the single-player missions.
Free Your Mind
Destroy all instances of propaganda – look for billboard and advertising promoting the EDF. Drive into the billboard to destroy them and blast hard to reach one with the rocket launcher. Each location has several billboards to destroy. You will need to destroy 50 instances in total.
One Man Army
Complete 25 killing sprees during the Campaign. – a killing spree is started after killing 3 EDF soldiers in a row. Easy to obtain by destroying APCs before the soldiers get out. Use the rocket launcher or tank to obtain this trophy easily.
Broken Supply Line
Destroy 250 EDF supply crates – EDF crates are usually located by EDF controlled buildings. You can use your sledgehammer or remote charges to blow them up. Easiest way to identify crates on the map is to look for blue icons with stars.
Power to the People
Raise the Morale of 3 sectors to 100% – this can be obtained fairly easily as part of the game. Complete guerrilla missions and get killing sprees to boost the morale of the Red Faction. You should be able to obtain this before liberating Oasis.
Tank Buster
Blow up 100 small hydrogen tanks – you will find hydrogen tanks near most building, including your safehouse. Use them to blow up structures and you will unlock this trophy in no time.
Coming Down!
Destroy 50 EDF owned buildings – this trophy can be unlocked pretty easily. Destroy all the blue targets on the map on each level – you will be able to obtain this trophy half-way through the game.
Freed Space
Destroy 50 EDF flyers – this is easier to obtain once you have unlocked and purchased the rocket launcher with heat-seeking rockets. You will encounter flyers during most missions from the Badlands Sector onwards.
Just the Beginning
Win a Matchmaking match – very easy to obtain. Just select the matchmaking option and hope for the best.
Start of Something Special
Play 5 Matchmaking matches – another easy online trophy to obtain. Win or lose, this trophy is yours after five matches.
Doing Your Part
Kill 10 enemies in a Matchmaking Match – you will unlock this trophy pretty easily (providing you are a good shot). You should be able to unlock this trophy while trying to unlock “Start of Something Special”.
Destroy a Siege target.
Reconstruct a Damage Control target – this is very easy to do, but it can only be unlocked in the Damage Control team mission.
Grab Some Popcorn
Enter Spectator mode and enjoy the show! – by far the easiest trophy to unlock in online multiplayer. Find a match, sit back and watch the action.
Try Anything Once
Finish a match in every mode – this is pretty simple to unlock. There are lots of multiplayer modes to go through but think of it as a tutorial mission.
Check Your Map
Finish a match on every map in Multiplayer – you can unlock this trophy while trying to get some of the others so don’t bother specifically trying to unlock this one.
Tools of the Trade
Score a kill with every weapon in Multiplayer – this is relatively easy to get. This is where all the single-player gameplay comes in handy.
Field Tested
Earn 1,000 XP in Multiplayer – this is achievable in under 10 matches. If you are really good you can get it in 5 matches. Winning matches will give you an extra 20 XP every time.
Battle Scarred
Earn 10,000 XP in Multiplayer – this will take you quite a while to earn. You can expect to play between 50 to 100 games before getting this, assuming you get 100+ XP in every game.
A Winner is You!
Win 250 matchmaking games.
Topher Would Be Proud
Play 250 matchmaking games.
Courier of Pain
Score 5,000 kills in Multiplayer – its a big number of kills and it’s only worth a bronze trophy. Work towards this trophy while trying to get the above easier ones.
Complete 4 hidden challenges in Multiplayer – challenges are only revealed when you meet the minimum requirements to see them.
Complete 8 hidden challenges in Multiplayer – slightly harder than the “Experimenter” trophy but you’ll be half way there after unlocking “Experimenter”.
Jack of all Trades
Score 10 kills while wearing each backpack – you can unlock this trophy over multiple goes so you will end up unlocking this trophy without realizing, providing you wear all the backpacks.
The High and Mighty
Kill a flying opponent using a remote charge stuck to them – its tricky to get this one but its one of the easier multiplayer trophies to unlock.
Party Time
Play all Wrecking Crew modes once – this is a easy trophy to unlock. Simply play each of the modes once (even by yourself if you want). It will take about 15 minutes to unlock.
Can’t Get Enough
Play every mode on all maps in Wrecking Crew – this will take a lot longer to unlock than Party Time. You will have to play each map using each game mode – there are 24 possible combinations.
Wrecking Ball
Score 25 million points worth of destruction in Wrecking Crew – this trophy will take you a while to unlock. You will need to play the Wrecking Crew mode at least one hundred times with a minimum of two players.
Silver Trophies:
Martian Tea Party
Complete 2 missions for the Red Faction – this is the easiest silver trophy to unlock. Simply complete the first two missions in Parker to unlock this trophy.
Complete all Guerrilla Actions. – there are 104 Guerrilla actions in total. This will take you some time to get so it’s best tackled after beating the game.
Disaster Area
Destroy 1 billion credits worth of EDF property – you will pretty unlock this before you complete the same. The easiest way to obtain this trophy is to destroy targets of high importance and destroying any red-marked buildings on the map.
Best Friends Forever
Kill 100 EDF with the sledgehammer during the Campaign – this is fairly easy to do. The sledgehammer is very useful in close-combat and in small buildings, give you a one-hit kill every time. Use the sledgehammer when you can and you will unlock the trophy in no time.
Mad Genius
Complete 16 hidden challenges in Multiplayer – they’re hard to find so expect this one to take a while. Unlocking “Experimenter” and “Detective” count towards this trophy.
Gold Trophies:
Red Dawn
Liberate Mars – this is unlocked after you beat the game. After liberating Eos, you have to complete five missions in order to unlock this trophy.
War Veteran
Earn 100,000 XP in Multiplayer – play enough matches online and this should be no problem. If you’ve managed to unlock “A Winner is You!”, “Topher Would Be Proud”
and “Courier of Pain” then you should have also unlocked this trophy.
Red Faction Member
Play online with another player who has completed the Campaign – this is pretty to easy get, but give everyone some time to catch up and complete the campaign mode.
Platinum Trophies:
Red Faction: Guerrilla
Unlock all Trophies in Red Faction: Guerrilla – collect all 50 trophies and unlock this one.
This will help a lot when I get my game. Sound like most of the trophies are pretty easy to get.
Red Faction: Guerrilla Trophy Guide – XTREME PS3
Easy ? Y lol but finding all those hidden items takes a long time .. same goes for the multiplayer and Wrecking crew trophies ,, I hate endurance XD
This is overall a very good trophy guide and explains the trophies very well but what you could include is videos for transporter and demolitions trophies because they are really hard to do and it would make it easier if you added videos thankyou very much