The April issue of Qore will hit the US PlayStation Store later today. Episode 11 packed with exclusive features on the music of inFamous and the making of Fat Princess along with a look at the state of the art of innovative and independent games, plus a close look at the upcoming Red Faction: Guerrilla. To conclude PlayStation Network?s Spring Fever campaign, a special FREE version of Qore Episode 11 is available in celebration of the season. Download this episode to view our feature stories. Annual subscribers still receive the usual exclusive downloadable content (detailed below).
Episode 11 Features:
- inFamous Music
- Fat Princess
- Mars Rover
- State of the Art
- Downloadable Content
(subscribers only)- Red Faction: Guerrilla
- Linger in Shadows demoscene title
Episode 11 Preview:
[…] Fat Princess is a PSN title containing 21 trophies in total. Surprisingly, all of the unlockable trophies are bronze. The aim of the game is to rescue your beloved princess through teamwork. But there’s a catch – the other team has been feeding her magical cake, making her harder to escort back to your castle.Fat Princess is a one-player title supporting up to 32 players online. You can see more on Fat Princess in Qore Episode 11. […]