Enjoy a early Christmas present today with this week’s PlayStation Store update. The European and US PlayStation Stores have been updated with new content for you to enjoy over the holiday period. The Metal Gear Solid costumes for LittleBigPlanet are now available to download from both stores as well as a few new playable demos. There is also game add-on content for several games including Rock Band, Guitar Hero, Shaun White Snowboarding and more. Check out the complete list below.
European Additions:
- Playable Demos
- WipEout HD
- Metal Gear Online
- Sonic Unleashed
- Game Add-on Content
- LittleBigPlanet
- Metal Gear Solid costume kit (£4.79/?5.99)
- Metal Gear Solid level kit (£4.79/?5.99)
- Metal Gear Solid "Raiden" costume (£1.59/?1.99)
- Metal Gear Solid "Screaming Mantis" costume (£1.59/?1.99)
- Metal Gear Solid "Meryl" costume (£1.59/?1.99)
- Metal Gear Solid "Solid Snake" costume (£1.59/?1.99)
- Shaun White Snowboarding "Glamour" pack (£3.99/?4.99)
- Buzz! Quiz TV "National Geographic: Undersea" pack (£6.29/?7.99)
- Everybody’s Golf: World Tour "Mainichi Issho Lobby Character Headwear" (free)
- Everybody’s Golf: World Tour "Toro" character pack (free)
- Rock Band
- Foo Fighters Pack 1 (£2.49/?3.99)
- "DOA" – Foo Fighters (£0.99/?1.49)
- "This is a Call" – Foo Fighters (£0.99/?1.49)
- "Times Like These" – Foo Fighters (£0.99/?1.49)
- Rockin’ the Holidays 2008 Pack (£1.69/?2.29)
- "Blue Christmas" – The Pretenders (£0.59/?0.79)
- "Christmas Is The Time To Say I Love You" – Billy Squier(£0.59/?0.79)
- "Hanukkah Blessings" – Barenaked Ladies (£0.59/?0.79)
- Guitar Hero World Tour
- "Because of You" by Nickelback (£4.39/?5.49)
- "Light It Up" by Rev Theory (£1.59/?1.99)
- "Use Me" by Hinder (£1.59/?1.99)
- Hard Rock Track Pack (£1.59/?1.99)
- LittleBigPlanet
- Videos
- 2x Mirror’s Edge trailers
- MotorStorm Pacific Rift "Water Zone" trailer
- Shoot! episode 6 — "The Dreaming"
US Additions:
- PULSE 12/23 Edition
- Playable Demos
- The Lord of the Rings: Conquest Demo
- Downloadable Games
- LUMINES Supernova ($14.99)
- Game Add-on Content
- BUZZ! Quiz TV National Geographic: Undersea ($7.99)
- High Velocity Bowling: Patches Pack One
- High Velocity Bowling: Gutter Bird Ball
- Hot Shots Golf New Character Toro
- LittleBigPlanet
- Solid Snake Costume ($1.99)
- Meryl Silverburgh Costume ($1.99)
- Screaming Mantis Costume ($1.99)
- Raiden Costume ($1.99)
- Metal Gear Solid Costume Kit($5.99)
- Metal Gear Solid Level Kit ($5.99)
- PAIN: Ao No Kutsu Character ($0.99)
- Disgaea 3
- Adell DLC ($1.99)
- Disgaea 2 Character Pack ($4.99)
- Nekomata DLC ($0.99)
- Rozalin DLC ($1.99)
- LUMINES Supernova Holiday Pack
- Guitar Hero World Tour
- "Because of You" by Nickelback ($1.99)
- "Light It Up" by Rev Theory ($1.99)
- "Use Me" by Hinder ($1.99)
- Hard Rock Track Pack ($5.49)
- Reggae Rock Track Pack
- Karaoke Revolution Presents: American Idol Encore 2
- In the Air Tonight ($1.49)
- Time Of The Season ($1.49)
- Too Little Too Late ($1.49)
- Rock Band
- "DOA" – Foo Fighters ($1.99)
- "This is a Call" – Foo Fighters ($1.99)
- "Times Like These" – Foo Fighters ($1.99)
- Foo Fighters Pack 1 ($5.49)
- "Blue Christmas" – The Pretenders ($0.99)
- "Christmas Is The Time To Say I Love You" – Billy Squier($0.99)
- "Hanukkah Blessings" – Barenaked Ladies ($0.99)
- Rockin? the Holidays 2008 Pack ($2.99)
- Shaun White Snowboarding Glamour Pack – Regular Edition ($4.99)
- Shaun White Snowboarding Glamour Pack – Target Edition ($4.99)
- PS3 Themes
- Disgaea 3: Absence of Justice Disgaea 2 Character Theme ($0.99)
- The Dark Knight: Batman Theme ($1.99)
- The Dark Knight: Harvey Dent Theme ($1.99)
- The Dark Knight: Joker Theme ($1.99)
- Resident Evil: Degeneration Theme
- University of Virginia ($1.99)
- School Girls ($1.49)
- Digital Blast ($1.49)
- Bikini Photo Shoot ($1.99)
- Alpine Winters ($1.49)
- PS3 Wallpaper
- Savage Moon Wallpaper 1
- Savage Moon Wallpaper 2