David Reeves has announced the release dates of PlayTV for the PlayStation 3 and Go!View for the PlayStation Portable at PlayStation Day 2008. Reeves has revealed that PlayTV will be available to purchase in Europe this September prices at £99. The PlayTV device will allow PS3 owners to view and record free-to-air TV programs. Apart from the initial cost of the peripheral, the service will be free. Go!View for the PSP will see light of day before the end of June.
Go!View will be available as either a subscription service or pay-per-view, the pricing details for either option has not been revealed. The exact release date for PlayTV has not been revealed, only that it will be available to buy in September.
I guess it would be available for psp slim only again, which kind of sucks.
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u mean to tell me that just because i have a fatass psp i cant get go!!!
Hi people whats up? Firmware 4 is nice but what about FLASH 9 you said that it will come with it. Well perhaps another few months more…