Rockstar are still working on a fix for the GTA IV freezing issues but until a patch is available a temporary fix is available for you to try out. According to several reports, and from our own testing, we have found that most of the freezing issue can be resolved by simply signing out of the PlayStation Network before booting the game. However, this means that you will not be able to play any online multiplayer games until an official patch is available.
We’ve tested this method and it seemed to solve most of our freezing issues. If you later sign-in to the PlayStation Network, the game may crash instantly upon successful sign-in. Most GTA IV discs work fine with the PSN signed-in, but others don’t. Let us know if this method worked for you using the comments section below.
tried all posted fixes for my launch PS3 60gb. Nothing works, GTA1V locks up every time. I give RockStar another few days until I sell all my GTA, Manhunt games in protest. I mean, isn’t RockStar the company that Sony help build? This is how they pay Sony back for al the GTA sales on the PlayStation over the years? What a let down.
Hi i have a 60gb launch ps3 and was suffering badly with the freezeing until i tried doing the tasks on the attached link apart from deleting my game saves and it works every time now… I have also heard that the emotion chip on the launch models is conflicting with the gta 4 game code and on the later models its the psn network..
wen is the gta downloadable content an wts in the content thers rumours that ther r new islands