Terra Soft have released the latest version of Yellow Dog Linux for the PlayStation 3 and Power PC (PPC) systems. Built upon the CentOS foundation, a popular derivative of Red Hat Enterprise Linux, Yellow Dog Linux 6.0 offers enterprise quality for the home user and comes with select components from Fedora Core 7. YDL 6.0 comes with E17 and Gnome installed by default (KDE included), includes the Linux Kernel v2.6.23 and is the only Linux distribution that includes the default Cell SDK v3.0 as standard.
The YDL installer enables anyone to install Linux. Post-install, the default application set includes the Firefox web browser, Thunderbird email client, Pidgin IM/IRC client, Ekiga Voice over IP phone application, OpenOffice, gThumb and GIMP, RythmBox Music Player, games, multimedia applications, and a suite of personal accessories. Development and server tools are available from the custom installation menus.
"We remain proud to provide the finest Linux OS for Power experience, and it just keeps getting better. Many thanks to Red Hat, the open source community and CentOS team, IBM and Sony for making YDL v6.0 possible. Enjoy!" says Kai Staats, Terra Soft CEO.
Yellow Dog Linux v6.0 is immediately available via YDL.net Enhanced accounts which may be purchased at the Terra Soft Store. The physical DVD sets will ship from Terra Soft in 2 weeks. The public mirrors will offer v6.0 downloads in one month