“Achievements” have become a major part of the Xbox 360 experience, with many games applauded purely because of how the system was implemented. Sony has seemingly taken due notice of the successful system and is currently adapting it for the PlayStation 3. Sony has already announced a "Trophy Room" for PlayStation Home last year, but Sony is working on more than just this. Achievements on the PlayStation platform will not be a mere figure easily displayed on an online card, but will be considerably more indepth and broad in information presented.
If Eric Lempel, director of the PlayStation Network, is to be believed, the PlayStation equivalent of achievements will, “recognize our consumers’ gaming skills and loyalty in new ways”. Could this mean that gamers will receive tangible rewards for playing games? Exact details are still unclear but hopefully Sony has something to share on the whole matter soon.
[Via: MyGen]
Wow cool. I hope its not a rumor, although i am curious as to what rewards they intent to give PS3 users.
For Starters i want more FF classics on the damn PSN, Jesus come on, is it that hard to put FF7,8,9 on the PSN, seriously? I want FF7 portable to enjoy the whole game again, and yet SE, Sony your waste time putting other titles on that isn’t as great as FF.
Anyway I hope GTA4 and DMC4 benefits alot from this.