Team M33 has unexpectedly updated their custom firmware to version 4. The update is not a major one and includes mainly bug fixes to Custom Firmware 3.52 v3, released earlier this week. You can check out the changelog below.
Changes in M33-4 (mainly bugfix)
- Fixed the bug that caused CRC error when writing to flash usb in the XMB. Now writing is OK.
- Added the new speeds to vshmenu and core, because we forgot in recovery.
Also, a few notes from Team M33:
- As we didn’t want to release a new update without something new, we worked in making 3.10/3.11 to work with popsloader, and that’s it, the new popsloader plugins supports them.
- Instruction for 3.10 and 3.11 are same as 3.30: you need pops.prx, popsman.prx and pafmini.prx with the correct names in popsloader directory. And remember that savedata of 3.10-3.30 are incompatible with those of 3.40 . We’ll research if a solution for this is possible.