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Custom Firmware 3.03 OE updated to Revision C

Dark AleX today update his custom firmware to 3.02 OE-C. This is a major update to the firmware providing many new features as well as an updated version of POP Station. Because of the many changes, the update must be installed in the same way firmware 3.03 OE-A. As a result, you will require official Sony firmwares 1.50 and 3.03. So what’s new in 3.03 OE-C, you ask? Well, CPU Clocking is now allowed in XMB, Wi-Fi now works at 333Mhz, Flash0 and Flash1 can now be accessed via the USB port and more, see below for a full list of changes.

Changes in Firmware 3.03 OE-C

Changes to POPStation


Firmware 3.03 OE C


Creating the DATA.DXAR file

Installing 3.03 OE-C to the Flash

[Download Firmware 3.03 OE-C]

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